کتاب های Louis A. Cox Jr.

Breakthroughs in Decision Science and Risk Analysis
Louis Anthony Cox Jr., 2015
The Analysis, Communication, and Perception of Risk
Louis Anthony Cox Jr. (auth.), B. John Garrick, Willard C. Gekler (eds.), 1991
Quantitative Health Risk Analysis Methods: Modeling the Human Health Impacts of Antibiotics Used in Food Animals
Louis Anthony Cox Jr. (auth.), 2006
Risk Analysis Foundations, Models, and Methods
Louis Anthony Cox Jr. (auth.), 2002
Risk Analysis Of Complex And Uncertain Systems
Louis Anthony Cox (auth.), 2009
Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems
Louis Anthony Cox (auth.), 2009
Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems
Louis Anthony Cox (auth.), 2009
Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems
Louis Anthony Cox (auth.), 2009
Improving Risk Analysis
Louis Anthony Cox, 2013
Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems
Louis Anthony Cox, 2009
Causal Analytics for Applied Risk Analysis
Louis Anthony Cox, Douglas A. Popken, Richard X. Sun, 2018
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
James J. Cochran, Louis A. Cox Jr., Pinar Keskinocak, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh, J. Cole Smith, 2015
AI-ML for Decision and Risk Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities for Normative Decision Theory
Louis Anthony Cox Jr., 2023
Broadband Crash Course
P. J. Louis, P.J. Louis, 2001
EEG - fMRI: Physiological Basis, Technique, and Applications
Arno Villringer, Christoph Mulert, Louis Lemieux (auth.), Christoph Mulert, Louis Lemieux (eds.), 2010
Traditional Food Production and Rural Sustainable Development
Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Peter Nijkamp and Jean-Louis Rastoin, Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Peter Nijkamp, Jean Louis Rastoin, 2008
Neutron Radiography: Proceedings of the Second World Conference Paris, France, June 16–20, 1986
John P. Barton, Gérard Farny, Jean-Louis Person, Heinz Röttger (auth.), John P. Barton, Gérard Farny, Jean-Louis Person, Heinz Röttger (eds.), 1987
Phenolic Resins: A Century of Progress
Louis Pilato (auth.), Louis Pilato (eds.), 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emissions — Fluxes and Processes: Hydroelectric Reservoirs and Natural Environments
Alain Tremblay, Louis Varfalvy (auth.), Dr. Alain Tremblay, Dr. Louis Varfalvy, Dr. Charlotte Roehm, Dr. Michelle Garneau (eds.), 2005
On the direct numerical calculation of elliptic functions and integrals
Louis V. King Louis V., 2007, 1924
Interactive Models of Computation and Program Behavior
Pierre-Louis Curien, Hugo Herbelin, Jean-louis Krivine, Paul-Andre Mellies, 2010
The memoirs of the Lord of Joinville
Joinville, Jean; King of France Louis IX; Joinville, Jean; King of France Louis IX; Bowen-Wedgwood, Ethel Kate, 2007
L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante
Louis-Sébastien Mercier [Mercier, Louis-Sébastien], 1774
Michael R. Pinsky Jean-Louis Teboul Jean-Louis Vincent, 2019