کتاب های Louis H. Turcotte

Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2002
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2002
Adv Math Mech App using MatLab Book
Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, David Halpern, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, David Halpern., 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003