کتاب های Lucien Le Cam

Asymptotics in Statistics: Some Basic Concepts
Lucien Le Cam, Grace Lo Yang (auth.), 1990
Asymptotics in Statistics: Some Basic Concepts
Lucien Le Cam, Grace Lo Yang (auth.), 2000
Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory
Lucien Le Cam (auth.), 1986
B Vitamins and Folate: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects
Victor R Preedy, Hideyuki Hayashi, Bernard Do, M H Ahmed, Lucien Bettendorff, K Shibata, T Fukuwatari, Dorla L Lildballe, T Yagi, Micheal Rychlik, C Sanchez-Moreno, R Agarwal, Faruk Ahmed, John R Guyton, F Bamonti, R Prakash, Jutta Dierkes, C Antoniades, Y Kohda, S Fushinobu, Fernandez-Mejia, D Gaso-Sokac, J Zempleni, A Lebiedzinska, S H Lee, Natalie M Zahr, H Zielinski, M A Segundo, Robert Goldschmidt, M. S. Thakur, T Apeland, A S Hazell, A Szutowicz, Junko Ishihara, A Chango, K Koyama, Jia Luo, 2012
Calcul pratique - arithmétique et géométrie
Lucien Chambadal, 1983
A la recherche de la topologie perdue: I Du côté de chez Rohlin, II Le côté de Casson (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston)) French
Lucien Guillou, Alexis Marin, 1985
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Intervention
Hwang Nian Chih, London Lucien Ooi, 2004
Acute Surgical Management
Hwang Nian Chih, London Lucien Ooi, 2004
Tocqueville : the aristocratic sources of liberty
Jaume, Lucien; Goldhammer, Arthur, 2013
Tocqueville : the aristocratic sources of liberty
Jaume, Lucien; Goldhammer, Arthur, 2013
Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulation For A/D Conversion In Radio Receivers
Lucien Breems, Johan Huijsing, 2001
Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940: The Praxis of National Liberation, Internationalism, and Social Revolution issue 1874-6705
Edited by Steven Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt, 2010
Καταγωγή των θρησκειών
Lucien Henry, χ.χ.
Korean Honorifics and Politeness in Second Language Learning
Lucien Brown, 2011
Books on fire : the destruction of libraries throughout history
Lucien X. Polastron; Jon E. Graham, 2007
Books on Fire: The Destruction of Libraries throughout History
Lucien X. Polastron, 2007
Physiology of Movements / Physiologie der Bewegungen: Part 2: Movements due to the Effects of Temperature, Gravity, Chemical Factors and Internal Factors / Teil2: Bewegungen durch Einflusse der Temperatur, Schwerkraft, Chemischer Faktoren und aus Inneren Ursachen
Ludwig Aletsee (auth.), Ludwig Aletsee, Dr. L. Anker, Dr. ès Sciences, Professeur Lucien Baillaud, G. H. Banbury, Dr. Leo Brauner, Dr. W. Mary L. Crombie, Professor Dr. G. Drews, Dr., rer. nat. habil. Manfred Girbardt, Dozent Dr. Wolfgang Haupt, Privat-Dozent, Dr. med., Dr. rer.nat. Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling, Dozent Dr. rer. nat Harald Kaldewey, Professor Noburô Kamiya, Professor Dr. Poul Larsen, Dozent Dr. Wilhelm Nultsch, Professor Dr. Richard Pohl, Docent Dr. Henry Rufelt, Professor Dr. R. Sno, 1962
Canadian Cultural Exchange Echanges culturels au Canada: Translation and Transculturation traduction et transculturation (Cultural Studies)
Norman Cheadle, Lucien Pelletier, 2007
Essays on Method in the Sociology of Literature
Lucien Goldmann, 1980
Analyse Harmonique sur les Groupes de Lie II: Séminaire Nancy-Strasbourg 1976–78
Lucien Bamazi (auth.), 1979
Emergency Management: Concept and Strategies for Effective Programs
Lucien G. Canton(auth.), 2007
Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs
Lucien G. Canton, 2006