کتاب های Lucy Bird

Decentralization of the socialist state: intergovernmental finance in transition economies
Richard Miller Bird, Robert D. Ebel, Christine Wallich, 1995
Einführung in die funktionale Programmierung
Bird Richard, Wadler Philip, 1992
Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries (Trade and Development)
Richard M. Bird, Francois Vaillancourt, 1999
Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries (Trade and Development)
Richard M. Bird, Francois Vaillancourt, 1999
Growing tomatoes
Richard Bird; Christine France, 2002
Human resource management in education : contexts, themes, and impact
Justine Mercer; Bernard Barker; Richard Bird, 2010
Human Resource Management in Education: Contexts, Themes and Impact (Leadership for Learning Series)
Justine Mercer, Bernard Barker, Richard Bird, 2010
International Handbook Of Land And Property Taxation
Richard Miller Bird (Editor), Enid Slack (Editor), N. E. Slack (Editor), 2004
Electrical Engineering. Know It All
Clive Maxfield, John Bird, Tim Williams, Walt Kester, Alan Bensky, 2008
Electrical Engineering: Know It All
Clive Maxfield, John Bird, Tim Williams, Walt Kester, Alan Bensky, 2008
Electrical Engineering: Know It All
Clive Maxfield, John Bird, Tim Williams, Walt Kester, Alan Bensky, 2008
Surplus: The Riddle of American Agriculture
Alan R. Bird Ph.D. (auth.), 1962
The Structure of Nematodes
Alan Bird (Auth.), 1971
Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction
Eric Bird, 2008
Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction
Eric Bird, 2008
Coastal geomorphology: an introduction
Eric Charles Frederick Bird, 2008
Structural Geology and Tectonics
John M. Bird (auth.), 1987
Examination Notes in Psychiatry, 4th edition
Peter Buckley, Del Prewette, Jonathan Bird, Glynn Harrison, 2005
A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit
Stephanie Rose Bird, 2009
A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit
Stephanie Rose Bird, 2009
Exercise prescription : physiological foundations : a guide for health, sport and exercise professionals
Kate Woolf-May; Stephen R Bird, 2006
Among the Tibetans (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel and Exploration)
Isabella Bird, 2010
Basic Engineering Mathematics
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2005