کتاب های Luis Paulo Reis

The valkyries: an encounter with angels
Paulo Coelho, 1995
The Way of the Bow
Paulo Coelho, 2008
The Winner Stands Alone: A Novel
Paulo Coelho, 2009
The Winner Stands Alone: A Novel (P.S.)
Paulo Coelho, 2010
The Witch of Portobello
Paulo Coelho translated by Arash Hejazi
The Witch of Portobello: A Novel (P.S.)
Paulo Coelho, 2008
The Zahir : A Novel of Obsession
Paulo Coelho, 2005
The Zahir: A Novel of Obsession (P.S.)
Paulo Coelho, 2006
Veronika beschließt zu sterben
Paulo Coelho, 2000
Veronika Decide Morir
Paulo Coelho, 2001
Warrior of the Light - Volume 1
Paulo Coelho, 2008
Warrior of the Light - Volume 2
Paulo Coelho, 2008
Warrior of the Light - Volume 3
Paulo Coelho, 2008
Warrior of the Light: A Manual
Paulo Coelho, 2004
Warrior of the Light: A Manual
Paulo Coelho, 2004
Witch of Portobello
Paulo Coelho, 2007
Witch of Portobello
Paulo Coelho, 2007
Paulo Coelho, 2008
Ο αλχημιστής
Πάουλο Κοέλο Paulo Coelho
Το εγχειρίδιο του πολεμιστή του φωτός
Πάουλο Κοέλο (Paulo Coelho)
Direto ao Ponto: Criando produtos de forma enxuta
Paulo Caroli, 2015
Archaeology of Culture Contact and Colonialism in Spanish and Portuguese America
Pedro Paulo A. Funari, 2015
Informação e Persuasão na web: Relatório de um projecto
Paulo Serra e João Canavilhas (Orgs.)