کتاب های Luis Zari

Álgebra lineal con métodos elementales (Matemáticas)
Luis Miguel Merino Gonzalez, Evangelina Santos Alaez, 2006
Ensino de história e consciência histórica
Luis Fernando Cerri
A Charola de Tomar: Novos dados, novas interpretações
Irene Frazão; Luís Urbano Afonso, 2016
Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics: Festschrift for Antonio Campillo on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Gert-Martin Greuel (editor), Luis Narváez Macarro (editor), Sebastià Xambó-Descamps (editor), 2018
Classification and Examples of Differential Equations and their Applications (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
Higher-Order Differential Equations and Elasticity (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
Linear Differential Equations and Oscillators (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
Non-Linear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
Simultaneous Systems of Differential Equations and Multi-Dimensional Vibrations (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
Singular Differential Equations and Special Functions (Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology)
Luis Manuel Braga da Costa Campos, 2019
(葡萄牙)路易斯·德·卡蒙斯; Luis de Camoens, 1998
数据挖掘与R语言: 数据挖掘与R语言
(葡)Luis Torgo, 2013
O direito penal da guerra às drogas
Luís Carlos Valois, 2017
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology: Safe and Sustainable Food Production
Guadalupe Virginia Nevárez-Moorillón (editor), Arely Prado-Barragán (editor), José Luis Martínez-Hernández (editor), Cristobal Noé Aguilar (editor), 2020
Grokking Machine Learning MEAP V07
Luis G. Serrano, 2020
Cognitive science : an introduction to the science of the mind
José Luis Bermúdez, 2020
El país de cuatro pisos y otros ensayos
José Luis González, 1982
Introducción a la arquitectura contemporánea
Luis José Madia, 2011
Color : arquitectura, diseño, artes y cultura: ArgenColor 2006.
José Luis Caivano; Mabel Amanda López, 2009
Manual práctico de la construcción etapas constructivas
Luis Fernández Ortega;, 2010
Los espacios urbanos: El estudio geográfico de la ciudad y la urbanización (Manuales y obras de referencia) (Spanish Edition)
Rubén C. Lois González, Jesús M. González Pérez, Luis A. Escudero Gómez, 2012
Dinámica de las desigualdades en Colombia
Luis Jorge Garay Salamanca, Jorge Enrique Espitia Zamoa, 2019