کتاب های Luke Devine

Us Citizenship: A Step by Step Guide
Felice Devine, 2001
Us Citizenship: A Step by Step Guide
Felice Devine, 2001
Goof-Proof Interviews
Felice Primeau Devine, 2007
Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences
Devine, Carrick, 2014
Goof-Proof Resumes and Cover Letters
Felice Primeau Devine, 2007
U.S. citizenship : a step-by-step guide
Felice Primeau Devine, 2001
U.S. Citizenship: A Step-By-Step Guide
Felice Devine, 2001
Diversity and Community in the Academy
Celia Wolf-Devine, 1997
Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications
Lynne C. Manzo, Patrick Devine-Wright, 2013
Going beyond Google again : strategies for using and teaching the Invisible Web
Devine, Jane; Egger-Sider, Francine; Thornton, Kimberly, 2014
Bioresorbable Polymers and their Biomedical Applications
Declan M. Devine, 2017
The Routledge Reader on the Sociology of Music
John Shepherd, Kyle Devine, 2015
Radar Level Measurement
Peter Devine
Democracy and economic planning
Pat Devine, 2010
AWS certified advanced networking: official study guide specialty exam
Chauhan, Sidhartha; Devine, James; Halachmi, Alan; Lehwess, Matt; Matthews, Nick; Morad, Steve; Seymour, Steve, 2018
Family Medicine PreTest Self-Assessment and Review
Doug Knuston, Robin Devine, 2018
The Sago Grain Vesicle: History, Aetiology and Histopathology
Devine, Denis C
Independence or Union: Scotland’s Past and Scotland’s Present
T.M. Devine, 2017
Hands-On Deep Learning with R: A practical guide to designing, building, and improving neural network models using R
Michael Pawlus, Rodger Devine, 2020
Hands-On Deep Learning with R: A practical guide to designing, building, and improving neural network models using R. Code
Michael Pawlus, Rodger Devine, 2020
Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism
ThomasW. Devine, 2013