کتاب های M. A. Vito (editor)

Catalogus Catalogorum perpetuo durabilis (1590)
Johann Fischart (editor); Michael Schilling (editor), 1994
Global Surgery: How to Work and Teach in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Mark A. Hardy (editor), Beth R. Hochman (editor), 2023
Interconnectivity, Subversion, and Healing in World Christianity: Essays in honor of Joel Carpenter
Afe Adogame (editor); Aminta Arrington (editor), 2023
Romanticism and Consciousness, Revisited
Richard C. Sha (editor), Joel Faflak (editor), 2022
«’E parole de Roma»: Studi di etimologia e lessicologia romanesche
Vincenzo Faraoni (editor); Michele Loporcaro (editor), 2020
Armenian and Jewish Experience between Expulsion and Destruction
Sarah M. Ross (editor); Regina Randhofer (editor), 2021
Electoral Malpractice in Asia: Bending the Rules
Netina Tan (editor); Kharis Templeman (editor), 2023
Intentionality and Action
Jesús Padilla Gálvez (editor); Margit Gaffal (editor), 2017
Lernwelt Museum: Dimensionen der Kontextualisierung und Konzepte
Torben Giese (editor); Richard Stang (editor), 2021
Lernwelt Museum: Dimensionen der Kontextualisierung und Konzepte
Torben Giese (editor); Richard Stang (editor), 2021
Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The Fallacy of the Level Playing Field
Linda M. Whiteford (editor), Lenore Manderson (editor), 2000
Lernwelt Hochschule: Dimensionen eines Bildungsbereichs im Umbruch
Alexandra Becker (editor); Richard Stang (editor), 2020
Zukunft Lernwelt Hochschule: Perspektiven und Optionen für eine Neuausrichtung
Richard Stang (editor); Alexandra Becker (editor), 2020
Lernwelt Öffentliche Bibliothek: Dimensionen der Verortung und Konzepte
Richard Stang (editor); Konrad Umlauf (editor), 2018
Lernwelt Öffentliche Bibliothek: Dimensionen der Verortung und Konzepte
Richard Stang (editor); Konrad Umlauf (editor), 2018
Lernwelt Hochschule 2030: Konzepte und Strategien für eine zukünftige Entwicklung
Richard Stang (editor); Alexandra Becker (editor), 2022
Lernwelt Hochschule 2030: Konzepte und Strategien für eine zukünftige Entwicklung
Richard Stang (editor); Alexandra Becker (editor), 2022
French theories on text and discourse
Driss Ablali (editor); Guy Achard-Bayle (editor), 2023
La Lex de imperio Vespasiani e la Roma dei Flavi: Atti del convegno, Roma, 20-22 Novembre 2008
Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi (editor), Elena Tassi Scandone (editor), 2009
The Arts and Crafts of Literacy: Islamic Manuscript Cultures in Sub-Saharan Africa
Andrea Brigaglia (editor); Mauro Nobili (editor), 2017
Historical Memory and Foreign Policy
Lina Klymenko (editor), Marco Siddi (editor), 2022
Occasionalism: From Metaphysics to Science (Age of Descartes) (English and French Edition)
Mariangela Priarolo (editor), Emanuela Scribano (editor), 2019
Philosophie im Friedenskampf
Wolfgang Eichhorn (editor); Hans Schulze (editor), 1984
Urban Hierarchy: The Interaction between Towns and Cities in Europe in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times (Studies in European Urban History 1100-1800, 53) (English and French Edition)
Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan (editor), Andrea Zorzi (editor), 2021