کتاب های M. C. Sala (editor)

Undesign : critical practices at the intersection of art and design
Gretchen Coombs (editor); Gavin Sade (editor); Andrew McNamara (editor), 2019
Anne Frank, O. Frank (editor), M. Pressler (editor), F. Sessi (editor), 2014
Global Marx. Storia e critica del movimento sociale nel mercato mondiale
Matteo Battistini (editor), Eleonora Cappuccilli (editor), Maurizio Ricciardi (editor), 2020
Antibiotic Materials in Healthcare
Varaprasad Kokkarachedu (editor), Vimala Kanikireddy (editor), Rotimi Sadiku (editor), 2020
Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish
Bernardo Baldisserotto (editor), Elisabeth Criscuolo Urbinati (editor), J.E.P. Cyrino (editor), 2019
Biopolymer Membranes and Films: Health, Food, Environment, and Energy Applications
Mariana Agostini De Moraes (editor), Classius Ferreira Da Silva (editor), Rodrigo Silveria Vieira (editor), 2020
Drug Discovery Targeting Drug-Resistant Bacteria
Prashant Kesharwani (editor), Sidharth Chopra (editor), Arunava Dasgupta (editor), 2020
Engineering Drug Delivery Systems (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials)
Ali Seyfoddin (editor), Seyedehsara Masoomi Dezfooli (editor), Carol Ann Greene (editor), 2019
Recent Trends in Biofilm Science and Technology
Manuel Simoes (editor), Anabel Borges (editor), Lucia Chaves Simoes (editor), 2020
Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis: Volume 1: Principles of Geologic Analysis
Nicola Scarselli (editor), Jürgen Adam (editor), Domenico Chiarella (editor), 2020
Ring Current Investigations: The Quest for Space Weather Prediction
Vania K. Jordanova (editor), Raluca Ilie (editor), Margaret W. Chen (editor), 2020
The Self at Work: Fundamental Theory and Research (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)
D. Lance Ferris (editor), Russell E. Johnson (editor), Constantine Sedikides (editor), 2017
Dizionario dei concetti biblici del Nuovo Testamento
L. Coenen (editor), E. Beyreuther (editor), H. Bietenhard (editor), 2000
Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook (Nanzan Library of Asian Religion and Culture)
John C. Maraldo (editor), Thomas P. Kasulis (editor), James W. Heisig (editor), 2011
Brain injury medicine : principles and practice
Nathan D. Zasler (editor); Ross D. Zafonte (editor); Douglas I. Katz (editor), 2015
The science of expertise : behavioral, neural, and genetic approaches to complex skill
Guillermo Campitelli (editor); David Z. Hambrick (editor); Brooke N. Macnamara (editor); Robert Plomin, 2018
The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, the Witch, and the Worldview (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
Gregory Bassham (editor), Jerry L. Walls (editor), William Irwin (editor), 2005
Mark Bould (editor), Kathrina Glitre (editor), Greg Tuck (editor), 2009
An Evidence-Based Approach to the Management of Nasopharyngeal Cancer: From Basic Science to Clinical Presentation and Treatment
Baharudin Abdullah (editor), Anusha Balasubramanian (editor), Norhafiza Mat Lazim (editor), 2020
Engineering Strategies for Regenerative Medicine
Tiago G. Fernandes (editor), M. Margardia Diogo (editor), Joaquim M.S. Cabral (editor), 2019
Reliability of High-Power Mechatronic Systems 1: Aerospace and Automotive Applications: Simulation, Modeling and Optimization
Abdelkhalak El Hami (editor), David Delaux (editor), Henri Grzeskowiak (editor), 2017
Reliability of High-Power Mechatronic Systems 2: Aerospace and Automotive Applications Issues,Testing and Analysis
Abdelkhalak El Hami (editor), David Delaux (editor), Henri Grzeskowiak (editor), 2017
The great barrier reef : biology, environment and management
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (editor); Pat Hutchings (editor); Michael Kingsford (editor), 2019
The Seljuqs and their Successors (Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art)
Sheila Canby (editor), Deniz Beyazit (editor), Rugiadi (editor), 2020