کتاب های M. Caputo (auth.)

Good Grief: Heal Your Soul, Honor Your Loved Ones, and Learn to Live Again
Theresa Caputo, 2017
The North Country Murder of Irene Izak: Stained by Her Blood
Dave Shampine, Paul Ewasko, Lisa Caputo, Raymond O. Polett, 2010
Dependencia y Relaciones Internacionales
Orlando Caputo, Roberto Pizarro, 1974
On Religion
John D. Caputo, 2019
Cross and Cosmos: A Theology of Difficult Glory
John D. Caputo, 2019
The Folly of God: A Theology of the Unconditional
John D. Caputo, 2016
On religion
John D. Caputo, 2019
The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event
John D. Caputo
Dio, il dono e il postmoderno. Fenomenologia e religione
J. D. Caputo (editor), M. J. Scanlon (editor), 2012
The Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Decisions: Past, Present and Future Research Directions
Andrea Caputo; Massimiliano M. Pellegrini, 2019
Demythologizing Heidegger
John D. Caputo, 1993
Good Mourning
Theresa Caputo, 2020
Un rumor de guerra
Philip Caputo, 0101
New Frontiers in Truth
Stefano Caputo (editor), Massimo Dell'Utri (editor), 2014
10,000 Days of Thunder
Philip Caputo, 2011
Tienilo stretto. Segreti per donne irresistibili
Alberto Caputo, Alice Natoli, 2018
Truth: Philosophy in Transit
John D. Caputo, 2013
Responsible Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Giacomo Marzi; Andrea Caputo, 2019
A Rumor of War
Philip Caputo, 2020
Tra Saussure e Hjelmslev. Ricerche di semiotica glossematica
Cosimo Caputo, 2015
Mecânica dos Solos e Suas Aplicações: Fundamentos
Homero Pinto Caputo, 2015
Pediatric Dermatology and Dermatopathology. A Concise Atlas
Ruggero Caputo, Carlo Gelmetti, 2008
Studi Pergolesiani / Pergolesi Studies
Simone Caputo (editor), 2012