کتاب های M. F. Newman

Videogames (Routledge Introductions to Media and Communications)
James Newman, 2004
Understanding Civil Wars: Continuity and change in intrastate conflict
Edward Newman, 2014
Time and the Literary
Karen Newman, 2013
Understanding Genocide: The Social Psychology of the Holocaust
Leonard S. Newman, 2002
Topics in Disordered Systems
Charles M. Newman (auth.), 1997
The Secret Mulroney Tapes: Unguarded Confessions of a Prime Minister
Peter C. Newman, 2006
Networks: An Introduction
Mark Newman, 2010
Networks: An Introduction
Mark Newman, 2010
Networks: An Introduction
Mark Newman, 2010
Vaccine Design: The Subunit and Adjuvant Approach
Mark J. Newman, 1995
Video Revolutions: On the History of a Medium
Michael Z. Newman, 2014
The Final Energy Crisis
Sheila Newman, 2008
The Final Energy Crisis
Sheila Newman, 2008
Writing for Interaction. Crafting the Information Experience for Web and Software Apps
Linda Newman Lior (Auth.), 2013
The Linguistics of Eating and Drinking
John Newman (Ed.), 2009
The Linguistics of Giving
John Newman (Ed.), 1997
The Linguistics of Sitting, Standing and Lying
John Newman (Ed.), 2004