کتاب های M. N. Sham (editor)

Machine Vision Inspection Systems: Image Processing, Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications
Muthukumaran Malarvel (editor), Soumya Ranjan Nayak (editor), Surya Narayan Panda (editor), Prasant Kumar Pattnaik (editor), Nittaya Muangnak (editor), 2021
Medical Cannabis: Clinical Practice (Health and Human Development)
Shannon Ohearn (editor), Alexia Blake (editor), Bo Angela Wan (editor), Stephanie Chan (editor), Edward Chow (editor), 2017
Recent Trends in Carbohydrate Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure and Function of Carbohydrates
Amelia Pilar Rauter (editor), Bjorn E. Christensen (editor), Laszlo Somsak (editor), Paul Kosma (editor), Roberto Adamo (editor), 2020
The Zambezi River Basin : pathways for sustainable development
Jonathan Lautze (editor); Xueliang Cai (editor); E. Mapedza (editor); Zebediah Phiri (editor); Marcus J. Wishart (editor); Zebediah Phiri; Xueliang Cai; Jonathan Lautze, 2017
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration
Kevin Smets (editor), Koen Leurs (editor), Myria Georgiou (editor), Saskia Witteborn (editor), Radhika Gajjala (editor), 2019
MultiMedia Modeling: 23rd International Conference, MMM 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland, January 4-6, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 10133)
Laurent Amsaleg (editor), Gylfi Þór Guðmundsson (editor), Cathal Gurrin (editor), Björn Þór Jónsson (editor), Shin’ichi Satoh (editor), 2016
Phytochemicals as Lead Compounds for New Drug Discovery: Prospects for Sustainable Agriculture
Chukwuebuka Egbuna (editor), Shashank Kumar (editor), Jonathan C. Ifemeje (editor), Shahira M. Ezzat (editor), Saravanan Kaliyaperumal (editor), 2019
Recent Trends in Carbohydrate Chemistry: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications of Glycans and Glycoconjugates
Amelia Pilar Rauter (editor), Bjorn E. Christensen (editor), Laszlo Somsak (editor), Paul Kosma (editor), Roberto Adamo (editor), 2020
Cardiac mapping.
John Michael Miller (editor); Gerhard Hindricks (editor); Mohammad Shenasa (editor); Mark E. Josephson (editor); David J. Callans (editor), 2019
Wild Things: Recent advances in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic research
by Frederick W. F. Foulds (Author, Editor), Helen C. Drinkall (Author, Editor), Angela R. Perri (Author, Editor), David T. G. Clinnick (Author), David T.G. Clinnick (Editor), James W.P. Walker (Editor), 2014
Fundamental Astronomy
Hannu Karttunen (editor), Pekka Kröger (editor), Heikki Oja (editor), Markku Poutanen (editor), Karl Johan Donner (editor), 2016
Nano-Optics: Fundamentals, Experimental Methods, and Applications (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Sabu Thomas (editor), Yves Grohens (editor), Guillaume Vignaud (editor), Nandakumar Kalarikkal (editor), Jemy James (editor), 2020
Plant Pathogens: Detection and Management for Sustainable Agriculture
Pradeep Kumar (editor), Ajay K. Tiwari (editor), Madhu Kamle (editor), Zafar Abbas (editor), Priyanka Singh (editor), 2019
Recommender System with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Practical Tools and Applications in Medical, Agricultural and Other Industries
Sachi Nandan Mohanty (editor), Jyotir Moy Chatterjee (editor), Sarika Jain (editor), Ahmed A. Elngar (editor), Priya Gupta (editor), 2020
Handbook of Burns Volume 2: Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Lars-Peter Kamolz (editor), Marc G. Jeschke (editor), Raymund E. Horch (editor), Markus Küntscher (editor), Pavel Brychta (editor), 2020
Associative and Non-Associative Algebras and Applications: 3rd MAMAA, Chefchaouen, Morocco, April 12-14, 2018 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)
Mercedes Siles Molina (editor), Laiachi El Kaoutit (editor), Mohamed Louzari (editor), L'Moufadal Ben Yakoub (editor), Mohamed Benslimane (editor), 2020
Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces (Springer INdAM Series)
Elisabetta Colombo (editor), Barbara Fantechi (editor), Paola Frediani (editor), Donatella Iacono (editor), Rita Pardini (editor), 2020
Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
C. M. Campbell (editor), C. W. Parker (editor), M. R. Quick (editor), E. F. Robertson (editor), C. M. Roney-Dougal (editor), 2019
Partial Differential Equations Arising from Physics and Geometry: A Volume in Memory of Abbas Bahri (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Mohamed Ben Ayed (editor), Mohamed Ali Jendoubi (editor), Yomna Rébaï (editor), Hasna Riahi (editor), Hatem Zaag (editor), 2019
Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications: In Honor of Richard L. Wheeden (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Sagun Chanillo (editor), Bruno Franchi (editor), Guozhen Lu (editor), Carlos Perez (editor), Eric T. Sawyer (editor), 2017
Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Deployment and Applications (Control, Robotics and Sensors)
Vania V. Estrela (editor), Jude Hemanth (editor), Osamu Saotome (editor), George Nikolakopoulos (editor), Roberto Sabatini (editor), 2020
Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Control and Performance (Control, Robotics and Sensors)
Vania V. Estrela (editor), Jude Hemanth (editor), Osamu Saotome (editor), George Nikolakopoulos (editor), Roberto Sabatini (editor), 2020
Recommender System with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Practical Tools and Applications in Medical, Agricultural and Other Industries
Sachi Nandan Mohanty (editor), Jyotir Moy Chatterjee (editor), Sarika Jain (editor), Ahmed A. Elngar (editor), Priya Gupta (editor), 2020
Proceedings of the International Symposia of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Volume 13 ADP-Ribosylation, DNA Repair and Cancer-Proceedings of the International Symposia of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Volume 13
Takashi Sugimura (Editor); Miwa (Editor); Hayaishi (Editor); Shall (Editor); Smulson (Editor), 1983