کتاب های M. P. Kerr Mbchb

Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja MDFRCR, James F. Griffith MBChFRCR, K. T. Wong MBChBFRCR, Gregory E. Antonio MDFRANZCR, Winnie C. W. Chu MBChBFRCR, Stella S. Y. Ho PhDRDMS, Shlok J. Lolge MD, Bhawan K. Paunipagar MDDNB, Anne Kennedy MD, Roya Sohaey MD, Simon S. M. Ho MBBSFRCR, Paula Woodward MD, William J. Zwiebel MD, 2007
Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja MDFRCR, James F. Griffith MBChFRCR, K. T. Wong MBChBFRCR, Gregory E. Antonio MDFRANZCR, Winnie C. W. Chu MBChBFRCR, Stella S. Y. Ho PhDRDMS, Shlok J. Lolge MD, Bhawan K. Paunipagar MDDNB, Anne Kennedy MD, Roya Sohaey MD, Simon S. M. Ho MBBSFRCR, Paula Woodward MD, William J. Zwiebel MD, 2007
Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Lee A. Grant MBChBBA (Oxon)MRCSFRCR, Nyree Griffin MBChB (Hons)MDMRCSFRCR, 2013
Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Lee A. Grant MBChBBA (Oxon)MRCSFRCR, Nyree Griffin MBChB (Hons)MDMRCSFRCR, 2013
Epilepsy and Intellectual Disabilities
M. P. Kerr MBChB, 2008
Imaging of the Foot & Ankle: Techniques and Applications
A. Gentili MD, L. L. Seeger MD (auth.), A. Mark Davies MD, Richard William Whitehouse MD, Jeremy P. R. Jenkins MBChB, FRCP, DMRD, FRCR (eds.), 2003
Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th Edition
Barbara Young BScMed Sci(Hons)PhDMBBChirMRCPFRCPA, James S. Lowe BMedSciBMBSDMFRCPath, Alan Stevens MBBSFRCPath, John W. Heath BSc(Hons)(Melbourne)PhD(Melbourne), Philip J. Deakin BSc(Hons)MBChB(Sheffield), 2006
A Handbook for Clinical Teachers
David Newble BScHons, MBChB, MD, FRACP, DipEd, Robert Cannon MA, MEdAdmin, DipTertEd (auth.), 1983
A Handbook for Medical Teachers
David Newble BSc(Hons), MBChB, MD, FRACP, DipEd, Robert Cannon MA(Hons), MEdAdmin, DipTertEd (auth.), 1994
A Handbook for Medical Teachers
David Newble BSc(Hons), MBChB, MD, FRACP, DipEd, Robert Cannon MA(Hons), MEdAdmin, DipTertEd (auth.), 1987
Management of Myocardial Reperfusion Injury
Derek J. Hausenloy B.Sc., MBChB, MRCP, Ph.D. (auth.), Juan Carlos Kaski, Derek J. Hausenloy, Bernard John Gersh, Derek M. Yellon (eds.), 2012
Advanced Histopathology
G. W. H. Stamp MBChB, MRCPath, N. A. Wright MA, DSc, MD, PhD, FRCPath (auth.), 1990
Allgemeine Pathologie: Ein Bilderlehrbuch
PhD FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCOG FRCPath Alasdair D. T. Govan, MBChB FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCPath Peter S. Macfarlane, FFPh FMAA AIMBI Robin Callander (auth.), 1991
The Sensory Circumventricular Organs of the Mammalian Brain: Subfornical Organ, OVLT and Area Postrema
Dr Michael J. McKinley PhD, DSc, Robin M. McAllen BSc (Hons) PhD, MBChB, Pamela Davern BSc, Lipt B, Michelle E. Giles BAppSc, Jenny Penschow BAppSc, PhD, Nana Sunn BSc (Hons), Aaron Uschakov BSc (Hons), Brian J. Oldfield BSc (Hons), PhD (auth.), 2003
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing
R. S. Ledward BSc, DA, MBChB, LRCP, MRCS, MRSH, FRCS, MRCOG, DHMSA, D. F. Hawkins PhD, DSc, MB, BS, MD(Mass), FRCOG, FACOG (auth.), 1983
Macleod's Clinical OSCEs, 1e
Paul A. O"Neill BSc(Hons)MBChBFRCP (Lon)MDFAcadMedFHEA, 2015
Integrating Complementary Therapies in Primary Care. A Practical Guide for Health Professionals
David Peters, MBChB DRCOG MFHom MLCOM, Leon Chaitow, ND DO, Gerry Harris, BA LicAc BAcC,
Integrating Complementary Therapies in Primary Care. A Practical Guide for Health Professionals
David Peters, MBChB DRCOG MFHom MLCOM, Leon Chaitow, ND DO, Gerry Harris, BA LicAc BAcC,, 2002
Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy
Iain Hennessey MBChB(Hons)BSc(Hons)MRCS, 2007
Crash Course Rheumatology and Orthopaedics, 3e
Cameron Elias-Jones MBChB MRCS(Edin), 2013
Orthopaedic Pathology: Expert Consult - Online and Print
Peter G. Bullough MBChB, 2009
Pathology of Heart Valve Replacement
Alan G. Rose MBChB, 1987
Common Eye Diseases and their Management
Nicholas R. Galloway MBCHB, 2006
Crash Course Psychiatry, 4e
Katie FM Marwick MA Hons MBChB Hons, 2013