کتاب های M. Pucci Ben Zeev

Understanding Mobilities for Designing Contemporary Cities
Paola Pucci, 2015
The Withholding Power: An Essay on Political Theology
Massimo Cacciari, Edi Pucci, Howard Caygill, 2018
The Iliad: the Poem of Zeus
Pucci, Pietro, 2018
Euripides’ Revolution under Cover: An Essay
Pucci, Pietro, 2016
The Care of the Dead in Late Antiquity
Éric Rebillard, Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings, Jeanine Routier-Pucci, 2012
Enigma, segreto, oracolo
Pietro Pucci, 1996
Odysseus Polutropos: Intertextual Readings in the Odyssey and the Iliad
Pucci, Pietro, 1995
Odysseus Polutropos: Intertextual Readings In The Odyssey And The Iliad
Pietro Pucci, 1987
Euripides' revolution under cover an essay
Pietro Pucci, 2016
Filottete. Testo greco a fronte
Sofocle (Autore), P. Pucci (a cura di), G. Avezzù (a cura di), 2003
The World Odyssey of a Balinese Prince
Idanna Pucci
The Song of the Sirens: Essays on Homer
Pietro Pucci, 1997
The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making
Grazia Concilio, Paola Pucci, Lieven Raes, Geert Mareels, 2021
The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making
Grazia Concilio, Paola Pucci, Lieven Raes, Geert Mareels, 2021
Mapping Urban Practices Through Mobile Phone Data
Paola Pucci, Fabio Manfredini, Paolo Tagliolato (auth.), 2015
Il mercato del pane. Politiche alimentari e consumi cerearicoli a Bologna fra Due e Trecento
Francesca Pucci Donati, 2014
The iliad The poem of zeus
Pietro Pucci, 2018
Smart Rubbers: Synthesis and Applications, 2nd Edition
Lorenzo Massimo Polgar, Machiel van Essen, Andrea Pucci, Francesco Picchioni, 2019
Classics Renewed: Reception and Innovation in the Latin Poetry of Late Antiquity
Scott McGill; Joseph Pucci, 2016
Chicago's First Crime King : Michael Cassius McDonald.
Kelly Pucci, 2019
Nonlinear Problems with Lack of Compactness (De Gruyter Nonlinear Analysis and Applications) (Issn, 36)
Molica Bisci, Giovanni, Pucci, Patrizia, 2021
La pinacoteca
Filostrato Maggiore, a cura di Giuseppe Pucci, 2010
Security Empire
Molly Pucci;, 2020