کتاب های M.sc. (1988)

Introduction to Health and Safety at Work, Fifth Edition
Phil Hughes MBE MSc FIOSH RSP, 2011
Common SAP R/3 Functions Manual
William Lawlor MSc (auth.), 2004
Conceptual Design for Engineers
M. J. French MA MSc FIMechE (auth.), 1985
Water Supply
Alan C. Twort, BSc, FICE, FCIWEM, Don D. Ratnayaka, BSc, DIC, MSc, FIChem E, FCIWEM,
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D
Frank Klawonn MSc, 2008
Skills Update: Book 4
Irene Heywood Jones MSc, 1995
Giáo Trình - Kiến Trúc Máy Tính
Msc.Võ Văn Chín
Strategic Public Relations
Norman A. Hart MSc, 1995
Enfermería. Sociedad y ética
MSc. María del Carmen Amaro Cano D, 2009
Tackling Biology Projects
Marilyn Anne Wedgwood BSc, MSc, PhD, CBiol, MlBiol (auth.), 1987
Electronic Noise and Low Noise Design
Peter J. Fish MSc, FInstP, FIPSM, CEng, CPhys, Sen. Mem. IEEE (auth.), 1993
Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology, 5e
Eric Whaites MSc BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Edin) FDSRCS(Eng) FRCR DDRRCR, Nicholas Drage BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Eng) FDSRCPS(Glas) DDRRCR, 2013
Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint, 1e
Dania Tamimi BDSDMSc, David C. Hatcher DDsMSc, 2016
Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23e
Richard A. McPherson MDMSc, Matthew R. Pincus MDPhD, 2016
Breaking Tolerance to Pancreatic Cancer Unresponsiveness to Chemotherapy: Volume 5
Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju MScPhD (editor), 2019
Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: Approaches to Treatment, 1e
Leora Horn MDMSc, 2018