کتاب های Man On Pun

Multi-Carrier Techniques For Broadband Wireless Communications: A Signal Processing Perspective (Communications and Signal Processing)
Man-on Pun, Michele Morelli, C. C. Jay Kuo
Hong Kong History: Themes in Global Perspective
Man-Kong Wong, Chi-Man Kwong, 2021
Hong Kong History: Themes in Global Perspective
Man-Kong Wong, Chi-Man Kwong, 2021
Geotechnical Engineering: Principles & Practices
Donald Coduto, Man-chu Yeung, Man-chu Ronald Yeung, William Kitch, 2011
Analog Circuit Design Techniques at 0.5V (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
Shouri Chatterjee, Kong Pang Pun, Nebojsa Stanic, Yannis Tsividis, Peter Kinget, 2007
Attacks on Digital Watermarks Classification, Estimation-based Attacks and Benchmarks
Voloshynovskiy, Pereira, Pun, Eggers, Su
Blur-Deblur Attack against Document Protection Systems Based on Digital Watermarking
Voloshynovskiy, Herrigel, Pun
A Stochastic Approach to Content Adaptive Digital Image Watermarking
Voloshynovskiy, Herrigel, Baumgaertner, Pun
Analog Circuit Design Techniques at 0.5 V
Shouri Chatterjee, Kong Pang Pun, Nebojša Stanić, Yannis Tsividis, Peter Kinget (auth.), 2007
Second generation benchmarking and application oriented evaluation
Pereira, Voloshynovskiy, Madueno Marchand, Maillet, Pun
Circuit Design for Wireless Communications: Improved Techniques for Image Rejection in Wideband Quadrature Receivers
Kong-Pang Pun, José Epifânio da Franca, Carlos Azeredo-Leme (auth.), 2003
Численные методы исследования течений вязкой жидкости
Госмен А.Д., Пан В.М., и др.(Gosman,Pun,Runchal,Spalding,Volfshtein), 1972
Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace
Pun Ngai, 2005
Migrant Labor in China
Pun Ngai, 2016
On Decomposition of the Product of Demazure Atoms and Demazure Characters
Anna Ying Pun, 2016
Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, Nation and the Global City
Agnes S. Ku, Ngai Pun, 2004
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Cheuk-Man Yu, David L. Hayes, Angelo Auricchio, 2008
1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (1998: San Diego, Calif.)
Man, and Cybernetics (1998 : San Diego, Calif.) IEEE International Conference on Systems, 1998
Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics
Jonas M. K. Dake B.Sc (Eng.) (London); M.Sc.Tech. (Man.); Sc.D. (M.I.T.) (auth.), 1983
Antennas for Base Stations in Wireless Communications
Zhi Ning Chen, Kwai-Man Luk, 2009
Biopolymers · PVA Hydrogels, Anionic Polymerisation Nanocomposites
Man Jung Han, Ji Young Chang (auth.), 2000
An Introduction to Iconography
Roelof van Straten, Patricia de Man (trans), 1994
An Introduction to Iconography
Roelof van Straten, Patricia de Man (trans), 1994