کتاب های Marc Michel

Handbook of floating-point arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010
Parallel Algorithms (manuscript)
Sandeep N. Bhatt, Fan R. K. Chung (auth.), Luc Bougé, Michel Cosnard, Yves Robert, Denis Trystram (eds.)
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: Third International Conference, HiPEAC 2008, Göteborg, Sweden, January 27-29, 2008. Proceedings
Mateo Valero, Jesús Labarta (auth.), Per Stenström, Michel Dubois, Manolis Katevenis, Rajiv Gupta, Theo Ungerer (eds.), 2008
Iterative Identification and Control: Advances in Theory and Applications
Michel Gevers (auth.), Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala (eds.), 2002
Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology
Gerard Maral, Michel Bousquet, 2010
Ökonomie der Buchindustrie: Herausforderungen in der Buchbranche erfolgreich managen
Michel Clement, Eva Blömeke, Frank Sambeth
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 20th International Conference, CAiSE 2008 Montpellier, France, June 16-20, 2008 Proceedings
Mike P. Papazoglou (auth.), Zohra Bellahsène, Michel Léonard (eds.), 2008
Design and Optimization of Passive UHF RFID Systems
Jari-Pascal Curty, Michel Declercq, Catherine Dehollain, Norbert Joehl,, 2006
Design and Optimization of Passive UHF RFID Systems
Jari-Pascal Curty, Michel Declercq, Catherine Dehollain, Norbert Joehl (auth.), 2007
EMC Of Analog Integrated Circuits
Jean-Michel Redouté, Michiel Steyaert (auth.), 2010
Michel de Montaigne; Victor Civita, 1972
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Eseji: Knjiga druga (Sabrana djela Michela de Montaignea, tom II)
Michel de Montaigne
Eseji: Knjiga treća (Sabrana djela Michela de Montaignea, tom III)
Michel de Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne, 1971
Essais tome II
Michel de Montaigne, 1965
Essais tome III
Michel de Montaigne, 1965
Montaigne Michel de
Montaigne Michel de
Montaigne Michel de
Les essais
Montaigne Michel de
Les Essais (mis en français moderne par Claude Pinganaud)
Michel de Montaigne, 2002