کتاب های Marc N. Vasquez

Cosecha del agua de lluvia y captación de nieblas en zonas áridas y semi áridas y su impacto en el proceso de desertificación y cambio climático
Absalón Vásquez, Issaak Vásquez, Cristian Vásquez, Andrés Castro, 2017
Fundamentos de la ingeniería de riesgos
Absalón Vásquez V., Issaak Vásquez R., Cristian Vásquez R., Miguel Cañamero K., 2017
Moche hacia el final del milenio. Actas del Segundo Coloquio sobre la Cultura Moche, Trujillo, 1 al 7 de agosto de 1999
Santiago Uceda, Elías Mujica (eds.), John Verano, Víctor Vásquez, Teresa Rosales, Arturo Morales, Eufrasia Roselló, Jaime Castillo, Régulo Franco, César Gálvez, Segundo Vásquez, Santiago Uceda, Moisés Tufinio, Alana Cordy-Collins, Claude Chapdelaine, José Canziani, Duccio Bonavia, Cristóbal Campana, Santiago Uceda, Elías Mujica (auts.), 2003
Dangerous Writing : The Autobiographies of Willa Muir, Margaret Laurence and Janet Frame
Carmen Luz Fuentes-Vásquez; Carmen Luz Fuentes-Vásquez, 2013
Reflexiones necesarias (de la derrota a la victoria o el retorno de Inkari) : Apuntes para la educación popular/ Camilo Reyes
Julio César Vásquez Vásquez (Camilo Reyes), 2012
Archeology Research Trends
Alex R. Suarez, Marc N. Vasquez, 2008
Archeology Research Trends
Alex R. Suarez, Marc N. Vasquez, 2008
Fuel Cell Research Trends
L. O. Vasquez, 2008
California Science: Grade 1 (Student Edition)
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. Joanne Vasquez, M.A. Mulugheta Teferi, M.Ed Dinah Zike, 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 1
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha (contributing authors), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 3
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 4
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 5
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
The Common Information Model CIM: IEC 61968/61970 and 62325 - A practical introduction to the CIM
Mathias Uslar, Michael Specht, Sebastian Rohjans, Jörn Trefke, Jose Manuel Vasquez Gonzalez (auth.), 2012
The Common Information Model CIM: IEC 61968/61970 and 62325 - A practical introduction to the CIM
Mathias Uslar, Michael Specht, Sebastian Rohjans, Jörn Trefke, Jose Manuel Vasquez Gonzalez (auth.), 2012
Teaching Language Arts to English Language Learners (Teaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum)
Anete Vasquez, Angela L. Hansen, Philip C. Smith, 2010
Weather Forecasting Handbook (5th Edition)
Tim Vasquez, 2002
Heirpower! 8 Basic Habits of Exceptionally Powerful Lieutenants
Bob Vasquez, 2006
Science: A Closer Look - Grade 6
Jay K. Hackett, Richard H. Moyer, JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, 2008
Contours of a Biblical Reception Theory: Studies in the Rezeptionsgeschichte of Romans 13.1-7
Víctor Manuel Morales Vásquez, 2011
Contours of a Biblical Reception Theory: Studies in the Rezeptionsgeschichte of Romans 13.1-7
Víctor Manuel Morales Vásquez, 2011
Oil Sparks in the Amazon: Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural Resources
Patricia I Vasquez, 2014
The Informers
Juan Gabriel Vásquez, 2010