کتاب های Marcel Boll
درباره نویسنده

The exiles of Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp, Marcel; Duchamp, Marcel; Demos, T. J.; Duchamp, Marcel, 2007
Électricité, Magnétisme
Marcel Boll, 1948
Histoire des mathematiques, Onzieme Edition
Marcel Boll, 1968
Le mystère des nombres et des formes
Marcel Boll, 1941
Les certitudes du hasard
Marcel Boll, 1966
Alchemist of the avant-garde : the case of Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp, Marcel; Moffitt, John Francis; Duchamp, Marcel, 2003
The Ultimate IQ Challenge
Philip J. Carter, Christopher P. Harding, Marcel Feenstra, Philip J. Carter, Christopher P. Harding, Marcel Feenstra, 1994
AKA Marcel Duchamp : meditations on the identities of an artist
Duchamp, Marcel; Duchamp, Marcel; McManus, James W.; Goodyear, Anne Collins, 2014
Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp, Marcel; Duchamp, Marcel; Cabanne, Pierre, 1987
Encyclopaedia Acephalica
George Bataille , Jacques Baron , Arnaud Dandieu , Robert Desnos , Carl Einstein , Marcel Griaule , Michel Leiris , Zdenko Reich , Robert Lebel , Isabelle Waldberg , Marcel Duchamp, 1995
Awakenings: A Translation of Marcel's Autobiography, En Chemin, Vers Quel Eveil?
Marcel, Gabriel; Marcel, Gabriel, 2002
La vie et la mort: Croyances et doctrines de l’antiquité chinoise
Marcel Granet [Granet, Marcel], 2013
Giambattista Vico and Anglo-American Science: Philosophy and Writing
Director of the Program in Semiotics and Communication Theory Marcel Danesi, PH.D.; Marcel Danesi
Thermodynamique une approche pragmatique
Yunus A. Çengel; Michael A. Boles; Marcel Lacroix (editor); Éric Hallé; François Godard; Marcel Lacroix; Eric Hudier, 2015
Mariano Melgar, Marcel Velázquez, Mario Rommel Arce Espinoza, Francisco García Calderón, Aurelio Miró Quesada, Juan Ramírez, Manuel Pardo Ribadeneira, (auts.); Marcel Velázquez, (ed.), 2016![Historia del Perú [circa 1848]/ Juan Basilio Cortegana](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/16/1676830-n.jpg)
Historia del Perú [circa 1848]/ Juan Basilio Cortegana
Juan Basilio Cortegana, Carmen McEvoy, Marcel Velázquez, Juan Lan, Nelson Pereyra, Gustavo Montoya (auts.), Carmen McEvoy, Marcel Velázquez, Javier Flores, Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (eds.), 2022
Electric Drives
Marcel Jufer(auth.), 2010
Electric Drive: Design Methodology
Marcel Jufer, 2010
3G Multimedia Network Services, Accounting, and User Profiles (Artech House Mobile Communications Series)
Marcel Mampaey, Freddy Ghys, Michel Smouts, 2003
Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: Evolution or Revolution?
Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Marcel Lahmani, Claire Dupas-Haeberlin, Patrice Hesto (eds.), 2016
Nanotechnology assessment and perspectives
Harald Brune, Holger Ernst, Armin Grunwald, Werner Grünwald, Heinrich Hofmann, Harald Krug, Peter Janich, Marcel Mayor, Wolfgang Rathgeber, Günter Schmid, Ulrich Simon, Viola Vogel, Daniel Wyrwa, Friederike Wütscher, 2006
A Basic Course in Anthropological Linguistics (Studies in Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology)
Marcel Danesi Ph. D., 2004
The Puzzle Instinct: The Meaning of Puzzles in Human Life
Marcel Danesi, 2002
The Puzzle Instinct: The Meaning of Puzzles in Human Life
Marcel Danesi, 2002