کتاب های Marcel Boll

Imaginary Lives
Marcel Schwob
Les Automatismes par la logique programmée : lycées techniques, I.U.T., formation continue
Fray, Marcel; Hazard, Claude, 1983
Language and Mathematics: An Interdisciplinary Guide
Marcel Danesi, 2016
Religion und Vernunft - Ein Widerstreit? Glauben in der säkularen Gesellschaft. Vadian Lectures Band 4
Mathias Lindenau, Marcel Meier Kressig (eds.), 2018
As vidas de Chico Xavier
Marcel Souto Maior, 2010
História bizarra da literatura brasileira
Marcel Verrumo, 2017
Boundaries Crossed, at the Interfaces of Morphosyntax, Phonology, Pragmatics and Semantics
Huba Bartos, Marcel den Dikken, Zoltán Bánréti, Tamás Váradi, 2018
The Complete Short Stories of Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust, 2003
Dependency and Directionality
Marcel den Dikken, 2018
Eseu despre dar
Marcel Mauss, 1997
Political Animals and Animal Politics
Marcel Wissenburg, David Schlosberg (eds.), 2014
Productivity and Inequality
William H. Greene,Lynda Khalaf,Paul Makdissi,Robin C. Sickles,Michael Veall,Marcel-Cristian Voia (eds.), 2018
Dictionnaire amoureux de l’enfance et de l’adolescence
Rufo Marcel, 2017
Memorization and the Compound-Phrase Distinction
Marcel Schlechtweg, 2018
Johann Sebastian Bach. In Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Luc-André Marcel, 1963
The Price of Truth: Gift, Money, and Philosophy
Marcel Hénaff, Jean-Louis Morhange, 2010
(法)葛兰言(Marcel Granet)著;赵丙祥,张宏明译., 2005
Across Paris, and other stories
Marcel Ayme, 1958
Green Mare
Marcel Ayme, 1933
The conscience of love
Marcel Ayme, 1982
The Proverb, And Other Stories
Marcel Ayme, 1961
The Transient Hour
Marcel Ayme, 1948
Handbook Global History of Work
Karin Hofmeester, Marcel van der Linden, 2017