کتاب های Marcel

Free radicals and oxidation phenomena in biological systems
Marcel Roberfroid, 1995.
Die Gabe. Form und Funktion des Austauschs in archaischen Gesellschaften
Marcel Mauss, 1968
Manual of Ethnography
Marcel Mauss, 2009
Manuel d'ethnographie
Marcel Mauss, 2002
Teoria generale della magia
Marcel Mauss, 1991
The Gift
Marcel Mauss, 2001
The gift : the form and reason for exchange in archaic societies
Marcel Mauss, 2001
Marcel Burger, 2008
Clifford Numbers and Spinors
Marcel Riesz (auth.), 1993
Topological Insulators
Marcel Franz, 2013
Encore des regards sur la langue française
Marcel Cohen
Handbook of Microscopy
Marcel Locquin, 1983
The logistic map and the route to chaos: from the beginnings to modern applications
Marcel Ausloos, 2006
L'argent : Croyance, mesure, spéculation
Marcel Drach (dir.), 2004
Economic Growth in Europe: A Comparative Industry Perspective
Marcel P. Timmer, Robert Inklaar, Mary O&, 2010
Le deuil d'un pays imaginé: Rêves, luttes et déroute du Canada français
Marcel Martel, 1997