کتاب های Mark A. Gabriel

Hervarar Saga Ok Heidreks
Gabriel Turville-Petre, 2006
Despre Seductie
Gabriel Liiceanu, 2010
Dragul meu turnător
Gabriel Liiceanu, 2013
Criando aplicações para o seu Windows Phone
Gabriel Schade Cardoso, 2014
Le Pigeon: Cooking at the Dirty Bird
Gabriel Rucker, 2013
Another Century of War?
Gabriel Kolko, 2002
Alain Badiou: Philosophy and Its Conditions
Gabriel Riera (editor), 2005
Analysis of the Philosophy of Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Gabriel Connery
The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Energy Alternatives
Gabriel Cruden, 2004
Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History
Gabriel Moran, 2008
Elements of Green's functions and propagation : potentials, diffusion, and waves
Gabriel Barton, 1989
Despre limita
Gabriel Liiceanu, 1994
Akupressur und Moxibustion
Gabriel Stux (auth.), 1985
Collected stories
Josipovici, Gabriel, 1993
Geodesic Flows
Gabriel P. Paternain, 1999
Geodesic Flows
Gabriel P. Paternain, 1999
Lideres Modelos
Gabriel Salcedo, 2011
The Art of Urban Sketching Drawing On Location Around The World
Gabriel Campanario, 2012
The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing on Location Around the World
Gabriel Campanario, 2012
The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing On Location Around The World
Gabriel Campanario, 2012
Underground Man (Classics of Science Fiction)
Gabriel Tarde, 1974
The revolution disarmed, Chile, 1970-1973
Gabriel Smirnow, 1979
Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit
Gabriel García Márquez, 1996