کتاب های Mark A. Sutton

Cardiovascular Disorders Sourcebook, Fourth Edition
Amy L. Sutton, 2010
The Echocardiographers' Guide
Ted Plappert, Martin G. St. John Sutton, 2006
A family of readers : the book lover's guide to children's and young adult literature
[edited by] Roger Sutton and Martha V. Parravano ; foreword by Gregory Maguire., 2010.
Analysing Sign Language Poetry
Rachel Sutton-Spence, 2005
Rocket Propulsion Elements
George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz, 2000
Bramwell’s Helicopter Dynamics
A. R. S. Bramwell, George Taylor Sutton Done, David Balmford, 2001
Deleuze Reframed: A Guide for the Arts Student (Contemporary Thinkers Reframed)
Damian Sutton, David Martin-Jones, 2008
Hollywood Blockbusters: The Anthropology of Popular Movies
David Sutton, Peter Wogan, 2009
Biotechnology: Our Future As Human Beings and Citizens
Sean D. Sutton, 2009
Wall Street and FDR
Antony C. Sutton, 1993
Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery
Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini, 2007
Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery
Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini, 2007
Elementary Persian Grammar
L. P. Elwell-Sutton, 1963
Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto
Geoffrey H. Sutton, 2008
Cardiac Electrophysiology Methods and Models
David G. Benditt, Scott Sakaguchi, MaryAnn Goldstein, Richard Sutton (auth.), Daniel C. Sigg, Paul A. Iaizzo, Yong-Fu Xiao, Bin He (eds.), 2010
An Atlas of Multiplane Transesophageal Echocardiography
Martin G. St. John Sutton, Alan R. Maniet, David Gordon, Stuart Stanton, Jerry Blaivas, David A. McGowan, 2002
Congenital Heart Disease in Adults
Popelova Jana, Erwin Oechslin, Harald Kaemmerer, Martin G. St. John Sutton, 2008
Enterprise Marketing Management: The New Science of Marketing
Dave Sutton, Tom Klein, 2003
Enterprise Marketing Management: The New Science of Marketing
Dave Sutton, Tom Klein, 2003
Enterprise Marketing Management: The New Science of Marketing
Sutton D., Kleln T., 2003
Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare
Nicky J. Welton, Alexander J. Sutton, Nicola J. Cooper, Keith R. Abrams, A.E. Ades(auth.), 2012
Rocket Propulsion Elements
George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz, 2010
52 Ways to Transform Your Life. Weekly Wisdom for Busy People
Annabel Sutton, 2012