کتاب های Mark Edwards

Visions of God and ideas on deification in patristic thought
Edwards, Mark J., 2017
Culture and Philosophy in the Age of Plotinus
Mark J. Edwards, 2006
Against the Donatists
Optatus, Mark Edwards (transl.), 1998
Macarius Magnes, Makarios Magnes, Jeremy M. Schott, Mark J. Edwards (transl.), 2015
La Bibbia commentata dai Padri. Nuovo Testamento: Galati. Efesini. Filippesi
Thomas C. Oden, A. Di Berardino, Mark J. Edwards, Carlo Dell'Osso, 2005
Parkinson's Disease and other Movement Disorders
Mark J Edwards, Maria Stamelou, Niall Quinn, Kailash P Bhatia, 2016
Faith And Foreign Affairs In The American Century
Mark Thomas Edwards, 2019
Bomber: The Whole Story
Mark Thompson; Clementine Edwards, 2016
The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite (Oxford Handbooks)
Mark Edwards (editor), Dimitrios Pallis (editor), Georgios Steiris (editor), 2022
The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Philosophy
Mark Edwards, 2021
Approaching Late Antiquity: The Transformation from Early to Late Empire
Simon Swain, Mark Edwards, 2006
Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology
Daniel Wallace, Kevin J. Anderson, Mark Chiarello (illustrator), Tommy Lee Edwards (illustrator), John Van Fleet (illustrator), 2005
Aristotle and Early Christian Thought
Mark Edwards, 2019
Electrical Machines and Drives: An Introduction to Principles and Characteristics
J. D. Edwards (auth.), 1991
Young Children's Play and Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education
Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Susan Edwards, Deborah Moore, Wendy Boyd (auth.), 2014
Biscuits And Yogurt
Mansu Edwards, Mazekou Allenton, Zachary Asagee, Y_S Demanski, Liberal Isosceles, Harvey E.C. Maede, Ricky Saber, Brigsby Lasker, Zashawn McCleod, 2013
Cardiac Transplantation
Edwards N.M., Chen J.M., Mazzeo P.A., 2004
Cardiac Transplantation (Contemporary Cardiology)
Niloo M. Edwards, Jonathan M. Chen, Pamela A. Mazzeo, 2004
Simultaneous and Successive Cognitive Processes
J.P. Das, John R. Kirby, Ronald F. Jarman and Allen J. Edwards (Auth.), 1979
Topology of manifolds: Proc. Univer. of Georgia
James C. Cantrell, jr. C. H. Edwards, 1970
A Course in Inorganic Preparations
William Edwards Henderson, W. Conrad Fernelius, 1935
Aging, Heart Disease, and Its Management: Facts and Controversies (Contemporary Cardiology)
Niloo M. Edwards, 2002