کتاب های Mark Sanders
درباره نویسنده

Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies: Advanced Lectures
Peter Sanders (auth.), Ulrich Meyer, Peter Sanders, Jop Sibeyn (eds.), 2003
Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies: Advanced Lectures
Peter Sanders (auth.), Ulrich Meyer, Peter Sanders, Jop Sibeyn (eds.), 2003
Hello Hi-Lo: Readers Theatre Math
Jeff Sanders, Nancy I. Sanders, 2010
Malware Data Science
Hillary Sanders & Joshua Saxe [Hillary Sanders], 2018
Pearson Chemistry 11 Western Australia Student Book
Geoff Quinton, Erin Bruns, Simon Carrello, John Clarke, Chris Commons, Penny Commons, Phil Jones, Allan Knight, Claire Molinari, Bill Offer, Marguerite van der Klashorst, Lanna Derry, Bob Hogendoorn, Elissa Huddart, Pat O’Shea, Maria Porter, Bob Ross, Patrick Sanders, Robert Sanders, 2018
Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Virginia H. Dale, Donelson Wright, Catherine L. Kling, Walter Boynton, Judith L. Meyer, Kyle Mankin, James Sanders, James Opaluch, Daniel J. Conley, Holly Stallworth, William Crumpton, Hans Paerl, Thomas Armitage, Kenneth Reckhow, Mark David, Denis Gilbert, Andrew N. Sharpley, David Wangsness, Robert W. Howarth, Thomas W. Simpson, Thomas Bianchi, Alan Blumberg, Richard Lowrance, Clifford S. Snyder (auth.), 2010
Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Virginia H. Dale, Donelson Wright, Catherine L. Kling, Walter Boynton, Judith L. Meyer, Kyle Mankin, James Sanders, James Opaluch, Daniel J. Conley, Holly Stallworth, William Crumpton, Hans Paerl, Thomas Armitage, Kenneth Reckhow, Mark David, Denis Gilbert, Andrew N. Sharpley, David Wangsness, Robert W. Howarth, Thomas W. Simpson, Thomas Bianchi, Alan Blumberg, Richard Lowrance, Clifford S. Snyder (auth.), 2010
Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Jonas T. Johnson, J. L. Gluckman, Mark H. Sanders, 2001
Human Factors In Engineering and Design
Mark Sanders, 1993
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Live Theory
Mark Sanders, 2006
Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach
Mark F. Sanders, 2014
Wissenssümpfe: Die Fernsehserie True Detective aus sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Blickwinkeln
Mark Arenhövel, Anja Besand, Olaf Sanders (eds.), 2017
I hope you dance
Sillers, Tia; Sanders, Mark D., 2000
Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach
Mark A. Peters, Reginald L. Sanders, 2018
Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach
Mark A. Peters, Reginald L. Sanders, 2018
Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach
John L. Bowman, Mark L. Sanders, 2019
Typographic Design: Form and Communication
Rob Carter; Sandra Maxa; Mark Sanders; Philip B. Meggs; Ben Day, 2018
Photographic Field Guide to Australian Frogs
Mark G. Sanders, 2021
Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends
Tim Sanders, 2002
Emergency Medicine: An Approach to Clinical Problem-Solving
Glenn C. Hamilton MD, Arthur B. Sanders MD, Gary Strange MD, Alexander T. Trott MD, 2002
Descriptive Meteorology
Hurd C. Willett and Frederick Sanders (Auth.), 1959
Turbine Steam Path, Volume IIIa Mechanical Design and Manufacture
William P. Sanders, 2001
101 Careers in Nursing
Jeanne M. Novotny, Doris Lippman, Nicole Sanders, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, Joyce Fitzpatrick, 2006