کتاب های Mary Wise

Healthcare and Big Data: Digital Specters and Phantom Objects
Mary F.E. Ebeling (auth.), 2016
Developing Visual Arts Education in the United States: Massachusetts Normal Art School and the Normalization of Creativity
Mary Ann Stankiewicz (auth.), 2016
The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change
Mary P. Murphy, Fiona Dukelow (eds.), 2016
Beckett’s Proust/Deleuze’s Proust
Mary Bryden, Margaret Topping (eds.), 2009
Oral History and Digital Humanities: Voice, Access, and Engagement
Douglas A. Boyd, Mary A. Larson (eds.), 2014
Formulating Research Methods for Information Systems: Volume 2
Leslie P. Willcocks, Chris Sauer, Mary C. Lacity (eds.), 2015
Women’s Narratives of the Early Americas and the Formation of Empire
Mary McAleer Balkun, Susan C. Imbarrato (eds.), 2016
Little Girls, Big Style
Mary Abreu, 2010
Down Bohicket Road: An Artist’s Journey
Mary Whyte, Angela D. Mack, 2012
Essentials of Business Communication 10th Edition
Mary Guffey, 2016
Gender and the Writer’s Imagination: From Cooper to Wharton
Mary Suzanne Schriber, 1987
Vision Rehabilitation
Cynthia Stuen, Aries Arditi, Amy Horowitz, Mary Ann Lang, Bruce Rosenthal, Karen Seidman, 2000
Music: A Social Experience
Steven Cornelius, Mary Natvig
Debt or democracy : public money for sustainability and social justice
Mary Mellor, 2016
The Behavioral Health Specialist in Primary Care: Skills for Integrated Practice
Dr. Mary Ann Burg PhDMSWLCSW, Dr. Oliver Oyama Ph.D.ABPPPA-CDFAAPA, 2015
From Goethe To Gide: Feminism, Aesthetics and the Literary Canon in France and Germany, 1770-1936
Mary Orr, Lesley Sharpe, 2005
Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the making of modern Bulgaria
Mary C. Neuburger
Exploring Microsoft Office 2013
Mary Anne Poatsy et al. (eds.), 2013
Lakota Woman
Mary Crow Dog, Richard Erdoes, 1991
Selected Writings
Vita Sackville-West; Mary Ann Caws (ed.), 2002
Felicity: Poems
Mary Oliver, 2015
Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: A Fundamental Combined Approach
Jennifer T. Campbell, Steven M. Freund, Mark Frydenberg, Mary Z. Last, Philip J. Pratt, 2016
The Healthiest Diet on the Planet
John McDougall, Mary McDougall, 2016
Reading and Learning to Read, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version
Jo Anne L. Vacca, Richard T. Vacca, Mary K. Gove, Linda C. Burkey, Lisa A. Lenhart, Christine A. McKeon, 2014