کتاب های Matthew A. Fike (auth.)

Eighth Day Genesis: A Worldbuilding Codex for Writers and Creatives
Sabrina Klein, Patrick S. Tomlinson, Paul Genesse, Chante McCoy, Ramsey Lundock, Kathy Watness, EA Younker, Matthew Wayne Selznick, Sue Penkivech, Lucy Curtis, Addie J. King, Maurice Broaddus, Bryan Young, Tim Waggoner, Graham Storrs, Janine Spendlove, Rosemary Laurey, Kerrie L Hughes, Donald J. Bingle, Aaron Rosenberg, 2012
AARP Genealogy Online: Tech to Connect
April Leigh Helm, Matthew L. Helm, 2012
21 Recipes for Mining Twitter
Matthew Russell, 2011
Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J. R. R. Tolkien
Matthew T. Dickerson, Jonathan Evans, Tom Shippey, John Elder, 2006
Signals and Systems
Richard Baraniuk, Melissa Selik, Michael Haag, Stephen Kruzick, Don Johnson, Dan Calderon, Thanos Antoulas, John Slavinsky, Dante Soares, Justin Romberg, Ricardo Radaelli-Sanchez, Catherine Elder, Benjamin Fite, Roy Ha, C. Burrus, Steven Cox, Matthew Hutchinson
The Batman Vault: A Museum-in-a-Book with Rare Collectibles from the Batcave
Greenberger Robert, Matthew Manning, 2009
Encyclopedia of Diseases and Disorders
Matthew Peterson, M.D.; Gregg Y. Lipschick, M.D.; Elizabeth Liebson, M.D.; Victoria J. Fraser, M.D.; Laurence Burd, M.D., 2011
Practical Urodynamics for the Clinician
Andrew C. Peterson, Matthew O. Fraser (eds.), 2016
Milton and Modernity: Politics, the Individual and Paradise Lost
Matthew Jordan, 2000
Cirrus Flux. Der Junge, den es nicht gab
Matthew Skelton, 2009
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Munro, Roderick A.; Maio, Matthew J.; Nawaz, Mohamed B.; Ramu, Govindarajan; Zrymiak, Daniel J., 2008
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Munro, Roderick A.; Maio, Matthew J.; Nawaz, Mohamed B.; Ramu, Govindarajan; Zrymiak, Daniel J., 2008
Free Will, Agency, and Selfhood in Indian Philosophy
Matthew R. Dasti, Edwin F. Bryant, 2013
When disaster strikes: a comprehensive guide for emergency planning and crisis
Matthew Stein, 2011
Methods for Disaster Mental Health Research
Fran H. Norris PhD, Sandro Galea MDMPHDPH, Matthew J. Friedman MDPhD, Patricia J. Watson PhD, 2006
Interventions Following Mass Violence and Disasters: Strategies for Mental Health Practice
Elspeth Cameron Ritchie MD, Patricia J. Watson PhD, Matthew J. Friedman MDPhD, 2006
Hurricane Katrina: America's Unnatural Disaster
Prof. Jeremy I. Levitt JDPhD, Matthew C. Whitaker, 2009
Hurricane Katrina: America's unnatural disaster
Jeremy I. Levitt, Matthew C. Whitaker, 2009
Die Macht der sechs Steine
Matthew Reilly, 2008
If a Man Builds a Joyful House: Assyriological Studies in Honor of Erie Verdun Leichty (Cuneiform Monographs)
Ann K. Guinan, Maria de J. Ellis, A. J. Ferrara, Sally M. Freedman, Matthew T. Rutz, Leonhard Sassmannshausen, Steve Tinney and M. W. Waters, 2006
Learning From Data: An Introduction to Statistical Reasoning, Third Edition
Arthur Glenberg, Arthur M. Glenberg, Matthew Andrzejewski, 2007
Angels A to Z: A Who's Who of the Heavenly Host
Matthew Bunson, 1996