کتاب های Matthew A. Fike (auth.)

Retinal Degenerations: Mechanisms and Experimental Therapy
Stephen P. Daiger, Lori S. Sullivan, Sara J. Bowne, Avril Kennan (auth.), Matthew M. LaVail, Joe G. Hollyfield, Robert E. Anderson (eds.), 2003
Applying Molecular and Materials Modeling
Phillip R. Westmoreland, Peter A. Kollman, Anne M. Chaka, Peter T. Cummings, Keiji Morokuma, Matthew Neurock, Ellen B. Stechel, Priya Vashishta (auth.), 2002
Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence
John R. Koza, Martin A. Keane, Matthew J. Streeter, William Mydlowec, Jessen Yu, Guido Lanza (auth.), 2005
The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the First World War
Matthew Hughes, William J. Philpott (auth.), 2005
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: With Mathematica®
Jonathan M. Borwein, Matthew P. Skerritt (auth.), 2012
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: With Mathematica®
Jonathan M. Borwein, Matthew P. Skerritt (auth.), 2012
Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications
Matthew R. Parsek, Sally M. McFall, A. M. Chakrabarty (auth.), M. Moo-Young, W. A. Anderson, A. M. Chakrabarty (eds.), 1996
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: First TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2009, Lyon, France, August 24-28, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Raghunath Othayoth Nambiar, Matthew Lanken (auth.), Raghunath Nambiar, Meikel Poess (eds.), 2009
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: First TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2009, Lyon, France, August 24-28, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Raghunath Othayoth Nambiar, Matthew Lanken (auth.), Raghunath Nambiar, Meikel Poess (eds.), 2009
VLSI-SoC: From Algorithms to Circuits and System-on-Chip Design: 20th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2012, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, October 7-10, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
Michael Muehlberghuber, Christoph Keller (auth.), Andreas Burg, Ayṣe Coṣkun, Matthew Guthaus, Srinivas Katkoori, Ricardo Reis (eds.), 2013
Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics and Instrumentation, Third Edition
Rachel A. Powsner, Matthew R. Palmer, Edward R. Powsner(auth.), 2013
Sulfuric Acid Manufacture. Analysis, Control and Optimization
William G. Davenport and Matthew J. King (Auth.), 2005
Policy-Making in the Treasury: Explaining Britain’s Chosen Path on European Economic and Monetary Union
Matthew Smith (auth.), 2014
Explaining and Forecasting the US Federal Funds Rate: A Monetary Policy Model for the US
Matthew Clements (auth.), 2004
After the Bomb: Civil Defence and Nuclear War in Britain, 1945–68
Matthew Grant (auth.), 2010
Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols
Adam Matthew Gilmore (auth.), 2014
The Struggle for Power in Post-Independence Colombia and Venezuela
Matthew Brown (auth.), 2012
HTML5 Mobile Websites. Turbocharging HTML5 with jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Other Frameworks
Matthew David (Auth.), 2011
Ideas of Landscape
Matthew Johnson(auth.), 2006
Militarism and the British Left, 1902–1914
Matthew Johnson (auth.), 2013
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional
Matthew MacDonald (auth.), 2006
Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage
Matthew Gibson (auth.), 2000