کتاب های Matthias Bode

Modern Phytochemical Methods
Kurt Hostettmann, Matthias Hamburger, Maryse Hostettmann (auth.), Nikolaus H. Fischer, Murray B. Isman, Helen A. Stafford (eds.), 1991
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VI: 6th International Workshop, AOSE 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005. Revised and Invited Papers
Gerhard Weiß, Felix Fischer, Matthias Nickles, Michael Rovatsos (auth.), Jörg P. Müller, Franco Zambonelli (eds.), 2006
Die Linkspartei: Zeitgemäße Idee oder Bündnis ohne Zukunft?
Tim Spier, Felix Butzlaff, Matthias Micus, Franz Walter (eds.), 2007
Leitfaden Ernährungsmedizin
Heide Koula-Jenik, Matthias Kraft, Dr., Michael Miko, Dr., Ralf-Joachim Schulz, Dr. (Eds.), 2005
Cooperative Information Agents IV - The Future of Information Agents in Cyberspace: 4th International Workshop, CIA 2000, Boston, MA, USA, July 7-9, 2000. Proceedings
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist (auth.), Matthias Klusch, Larry Kerschberg (eds.), 2000
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 11th International Conference, CAiSE"99 Heidelberg, Germany, June 14—18, 1999 Proceedings
Ivar Jacobsen (auth.), Matthias Jarke, Andreas Oberweis (eds.), 1999
Characterization of Porous Solids and Powders: Surface Area, Pore Size and Density
S. Lowell, Joan E. Shields, Martin A. Thomas, Matthias Thommes (auth.), 2004
Characterization of Porous Solids and Powders: Surface Area, Pore Size and Density
S. Lowell, Joan E. Shields, Martin A. Thomas, Matthias Thommes (auth.), 2004
Characterization of Porous Solids and Powders: Surface Area, Pore Size and Density
S. Lowell, Joan E. Shields, Martin A. Thomas, Matthias Thommes (auth.), 2004
Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2007: 6th International Conference, Shanghai, China, September 15-17, 2007. Proceedings
Chao Sun, Feng Xie, Xiaocao Feng, Mingmin Zhang, Zhigeng Pan (auth.), Lizhuang Ma, Matthias Rauterberg, Ryohei Nakatsu (eds.), 2007
Schadenkostenprognose: Erfolgsfaktoren in der Versicherungswirtschaft
Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Busshart, Dr. Matthias F. F. Maneth, Prof. Dr. Roland Eisen (auth.), 1998
The Calcium Channel: Structure, Function and Implications: Stresa/Italy, May 11–14, 1988
W.-D. Busse (auth.), Martin Morad, Winifred G. Nayler, Stanislav Kazda, Matthias Schramm (eds.), 1988
Alt – Krank – Blank?: Worauf es im Alter wirklich ankommt
Christian Hentschel, Matthias Bettermann (auth.), 2015
Soziologische Paradigmen nach Talcott Parsons: Eine Einführung (German Edition)
Ditmar Brock, Matthias Junge, Heike Diefenbach, Reiner Keller, Dirk Villányi, 2009
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW2003, Montreal, Canada, October 8-10, 2003. Proceedings
Henri Dubois-Ferrière, Matthias Grossglauser (auth.), Samuel Pierre, Michel Barbeau, Evangelos Kranakis (eds.), 2003
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 26th International Conference, CAiSE 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-20, 2014. Proceedings
Matthias Jarke, John Mylopoulos, Christoph Quix, Colette Rolland, Yannis Manolopoulos, Haralambos Mouratidis, Jennifer Horkoff (eds.), 2014
Advances in Database Technology — EDBT '94: 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 28–31, 1994 Proceedings
Christopher M. Stone (auth.), Matthias Jarke, Janis Bubenko, Keith Jeffery (eds.), 1994
Advances in Database Technology — EDBT 2002: 8th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Prague, Czech Republic, March 25–27, 2002 Proceedings
Hans-Jörg Schek (auth.), Christian S. Jensen, Simonas à altenis, Keith G. Jeffery, Jaroslav Pokorny, Elisa Bertino, Klemens Böhn, Matthias Jarke (eds.), 2002
Conceptual Modeling: 33rd International Conference, ER 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 27-29, 2014. Proceedings
Eric Yu, Gillian Dobbie, Matthias Jarke, Sandeep Purao (eds.), 2014
Cooperative Interfaces to Information Systems
Jane J. Robinson (auth.), Leonard Bolc, Matthias Jarke (eds.), 1986
DGOR / ÖGOR: Papers of the 21th Annual Meeting of DGOR in Cooperation with ÖGOR Vorträge der 21. Jahrestagung der DGOR zusammen mit ÖGOR
Professor Dr K Brian Haley (auth.), Prof. Dr. Karl-Werner Hansmann, Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem, Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke, Univ.-Lektor Dr. Wolfgang E. Katzenberger, Dr. Alfred Marusev (eds.), 1993
Ecscw 2001
Wolfgang Prinz, Matthias Jarke, Yvonne Rogers, K. Schmidt, Volker Wulf, 2001
ECSCW 2001: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16–20 September 2001, Bonn, Germany
Olav W. Bertelsen, Susanne Bødker (auth.), Wolfgang Prinz, Matthias Jarke, Yvonne Rogers, Kjeld Schmidt, Volker Wulf (eds.), 2002