کتاب های Matthias Jahn (editor)

Unbestimmtes Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und gesamtwirtschaftliche Perspektiven
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); Matthias Jahn (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Reinhard H. Schmidt (editor), 2017
Unbestimmtes Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und gesamtwirtschaftliche Perspektiven
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); Matthias Jahn (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Reinhard H. Schmidt (editor), 2017
Wirtschaft – Moral – Strafrecht: Gedächtnisschrift für Klaus Lüderssen aus Anlass seines 90. Geburtstages
Matthias Jahn (editor); Eberhard Kempf (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Charlotte Schmitt-Leonardy (editor), 2023
Wirtschaft – Moral – Strafrecht: Gedächtnisschrift für Klaus Lüderssen aus Anlass seines 90. Geburtstages
Matthias Jahn (editor); Eberhard Kempf (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Charlotte Schmitt-Leonardy (editor), 2023
Medienrecht: Band 5 IT-Recht
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Matthias Hartmann (editor); Thomas Hoeren (editor); Gregor Kutzschbach (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Jan Pohle (editor); Jan Witzmann (editor), 2014
Dianoemata. Kleine Schriften zu Platon und zum Platonismus
Annette Hüffmeier (editor), Marie-Luise Lakmann (editor), Matthias Vorwerk (editor), Matthias Baltes, 1999
Religion verstehen 7 / erarbeitet von Matthias Bahr, Thomas Fiedler, Andrea Heinrich, Yvonne Paul, Eva Riegger-Kuhn, Hans Schmid
Yvonne Paul; Andrea Heinrich; Matthias Bahr; Eva Riegger-Kuhn; Thomas Fiedler; Hans Schmid; Hans Schmid (editor); Matthias Bahr (editor), 2019
Rosenbrock—Wanner–Type Methods: Theory and Applications (Mathematics Online First Collections)
Tim Jax (editor), Andreas Bartel (editor), Matthias Ehrhardt (editor), Michael Günther (editor), Gerd Steinebach (editor), 2021
Global Risks: Constructing World Order through Law, Politics and Economics (Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations)
Jana Hertwig (editor), Sylvia Maus (editor), Almut Meyer zu Schwabedissen (editor), Matthias Schuler (editor), 2010
Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
Jean-Marie Saudubray (editor), Matthias R. Baumgartner (editor), Ángeles García-Cazorla (editor), John Walter (editor), 2022
Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
Jean-Marie Saudubray (editor), Matthias R. Baumgartner (editor), Ángeles García-Cazorla (editor), John Walter (editor), 2022
Cerebral Aneurysm Detection and Analysis: First Challenge, CADA 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 8, 2020, Proceedings ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Anja Hennemuth (editor), Leonid Goubergrits (editor), Matthias Ivantsits (editor), Jan-Martin Kuhnigk (editor), 2021
Datenwirtschaft und Datentechnologie: Wie aus Daten Wert entsteht (German Edition)
Marieke Rohde (editor), Matthias Bürger (editor), Kristina Peneva (editor), Johannes Mock (editor), 2022
Handbook of comparative and historical Indo-European linguisticsn Volume 2
Brian D. Joseph (editor); Jared S. Klein (editor); Matthias Andreas Fritz (editor), 2017
Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law and International Relations
Ben Wagner (editor), Matthias C. Kettemann (editor), Kilian Vieth (editor), 2019
Sudamerica y sus mundos audibles: Cosmologias Y Practicas Sonoras De Los Pueblos Indigenas: 8
Bernd Brabec de Mori (editor), Miguel A. Garcia (editor), Matthias Lewy (editor)
Epistemic Dilemmas: New Arguments, New Angles
Kevin McCain (editor), Scott Stapleford (editor), Matthias Steup (editor), 2021
ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation: Creative Heritage. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence. 10th EAI International ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 422)
Matthias Wölfel (editor), Johannes Bernhardt (editor), Sonja Thiel (editor), 2022
UWG: Band 2 §§ 4-7
Otto Teplitzky (editor); Karl-Nikolaus Peifer (editor); Matthias Leistner (editor), 2013
CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures - Volume 2: Nanoelectronics (Lecture Notes in Physics, 820)
Christian Röthig (editor), Gerd Schön (editor), Matthias Vojta (editor), 2011
PET/CT-Atlas: Interdisziplinäre PET/CT- und PET/MR-Diagnostik und Therapie (German Edition)
Wolfgang Mohnike (editor), Konrad Mohnike (editor), Matthias Lampe (editor), 2024
Adoptive Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Burkhard Ludewig (Editor), Matthias W. Hoffmann (Editor)
Neurologie hoch2
Matthias Sitzer (editor), Helmuth Steinmetz (editor), 2018
Neurologie hoch2
Matthias Sitzer (editor), Helmuth Steinmetz (editor), 2018