کتاب های Max More

Dame Dichterin und andere Essays
Max Kommerell, 1968
L’homme du ressentiment (ch.1)
Max Scheler, 1933
1848-1880: Realismus und Gründerzeit 2
Max Bucher, Werner Hahl, Georg Jäger, Reinhard Wittmann (Hrsg.), 1981
Processo Decisório
Max Bazerman, 2014
Processo Decisório
Max Bazerman, 2014
The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic
T Max Friesen; Owen K Mason, 2016
Truth Without Objectivity
Max Kölbel, 2002
Die Phantasie in der Malerei. Schriften und Reden
Max Liebermann, 1978
Using OpenRefine
Ruben Verborgh, Max De Wilde, 2013
Die Sonderstellung des Menschen
Max Scheler, 1927
The unity of science
Carnap, Rudolf; Black, Max (Trans.), 1996
Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook
Ulrich Fischer, Max Heinzler, Friedrich Noher, 2012
Il giovane Trotsky
Max Eastman, 2006
Il giovane Trotsky
Max Eastman, 2006
Blockchain enabled Applications
Vikram Dhillon, David Metcalf, Max Hooper, 2017
Economia e Sociedade. Cap3 Os tipos de dominação
Max Weber, 1999
The Corrosion of Conservatism: Why I Left the Right
Max Boot, 2018
Scarface and the Untouchable: Al Capone, Eliot Ness, and the Battle for Chicago
Max Allen Collins, Brad A. Schwartz, 2018
Child of All Nations
Pramoedya Ananta Toer; Max Lane, 1996
Pramoedya Ananta Toer; Max Lane, 1996
The Nature of Sympathy
Max Scheler; Graham McAleer, 2007
The Nature of Sympathy
Max Scheler; Graham McAleer, 2007
A "objetividade" do conhecimento nas Ciências Sociais
Max Weber, 2006