کتاب های Mcpherson

Effective Notetaking
Fiona McPherson, 2018
Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief
James M. McPherson, 2014
For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
James M. McPherson, 1998
How to everything with your pocket PC
McPherson, Frank, 2003
The Northern Navajo Frontier, 1860-1900: Expansion Through Adversity
Robert McPherson, 2001
Transmedia Frictions: The Digital, the Arts, and the Humanities
Marsha Kinder, Tara McPherson (eds.), 2014
A survey of children’s responses to the tautophone
Mcpherson, Marian W
Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23e
Richard A. McPherson MDMSc, Matthew R. Pincus MDPhD, 2016
Going Dark
Guy R. McPherson, 2013
Time-Life History of the Civil War
Time-Life Books & David Dunbar & Champ Clark & Henry Wiencek & Bryce S. Walker & William Goolrick & George Constable & Dianne Stine Thomas & James M. McPherson, 1995
Essential Celtic Prayers
Thomas McPherson, 2017
How to revise and practice
Fiona McPherson, 2020
The Muslim Microcosm: Calcutta, 1918 to 1935
Kenneth McPherson, 1974
History NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Year 8 Stage 4
Angela Woollacott, Michael Adcock, Christopher Cunneen, Alison Mackinnon, Judy McPherson, Robert Skinner, James St Julian, Alan Thomas, 2013
Information Security Analytics: Finding Security Insights, Patterns, and Anomalies in Big Data
Mark Talabis, Robert McPherson, Inez Miyamoto, Jason Martin, 2014
Practices of Resistance in the Caribbean: Narratives, Aesthetics, Politics
Wiebke Beushausen, Miriam Brandel, Joseph Farquharson, Marius Littschwager, Annika McPherson, Julia Roth, 2018
The Contributions of Martha Hill to American Dance and Dance Education, 1900-1995
Elizabeth McPherson, 2008
Music Entrepreneurship
Allan Dumbreck, Gayle McPherson, 2016
Lincoln. Storia dell'uomo che liberò gli Stati Uniti
James M. McPherson, 2013
Philosophy and Climate Change
Mark Budolfson, Tristram McPherson, David Plunkett, 2021
The Great Disappearing Act: Germans in New York City, 1880-1930
Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson, 2021
Is Blood Thicker Than Water?
James M. McPherson, 1998