کتاب های Michael A. Hogg (editor)

Theories of Memory: A Reader
Michael Rossington (editor), Anne Whitehead (editor), 2007
The Chinese Empire in Local Society: Ming Military Institutions and Their Legacy
Michael Szonyi (editor), Shiyu Zhao (editor), 2020
Hoppenfeld's treatment and rehabilitation of fractures
Michael Suk (editor); Daniel S. Horwitz (editor), 2022
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences
John D. McDonald (editor), Michael Levine-Clark (editor), 2017
Engaging Ethically in a Strange New World
Michael Bräutigam (editor), Gillian Asquith (editor), 2019
Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
Micheal Hunter, Michael Hunter (editor), David Wootton (editor), 1992
The Re-Enchantment of the World: Secular Magic in a Rational Age
Joshua Landy (editor), Michael Saler (editor), 2009
Murakami Haruki and Our Years of Pilgrimage
Gitte Marianne Hansen (editor), Michael Tsang (editor), 2021
Global Dimensions of Qualitative Inquiry
Norman K Denzin (editor), Michael D Giardina (editor), 2013
Doing Global Urban Research
John Harrison (editor), Michael Hoyler (editor), 2018
Doing Global Urban Research
John Harrison (editor), Michael Hoyler (editor), 2018
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Band I/22,1: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Die Wirtschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Ordnungen und Mächte. Nachlaß, Teilband 1: Gemeinschaften
Max Weber, Wolfgang J. Mommsen (editor), Michael Meyer (editor), 2001
The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers
Michael F. Bird (editor), Scott Harrower (editor), 2021
The Ideologies on Children's Rights
Michael Freeman (editor), Philip Veerman (editor), 1992
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective
Donatella Della Porta (editor), Michael Keating (editor), 2008
Child's Play: Sport in Kids' Worlds (Critical Issues in Sport and Society)
Michael A. Messner (editor), Michela Musto (editor), 2016
Symbolic Forms and Cultural Studies: Ernst Cassirer’s Theory of Culture
Cyrus Hamlin (editor), John Michael Krois (editor), 2004
Rethinking Lessing's Laocoon: Antiquity, Enlightenment, and the 'Limits' of Painting and Poetry
Avi Lifschitz (editor), Michael Squire (editor), 2017
Ontology and Alterity in Merleau-Ponty
Galen A. Johnson (editor), Michael B. Smith (editor), 1990
Northern Ireland after the troubles: A society in transition
Colin Coulter (editor), Michael Murray (editor), 2008
What Next for Britain in the Middle East?: Security, Trade and Foreign Policy after Brexit
Michael Stephens (editor), Christopher Phillips (editor), 2021
Creative Therapy in Challenging Situations: Unusual Interventions to Help Clients
Michael Hoyt (editor), Monte Bobele (editor), 2019
Depression as a Systemic Illness
James J. Strain (editor), Michael Blumenfield (editor), 2018
The Idea of the University, Volume 2: Contemporary Perspectives
Ronald Barnett (editor), Michael A. Peters (editor), 2018