کتاب های Michael C. Fu (eds.)

New Directions in the Social Sciences and Humanities in China
Michael B. Yahuda (eds.), 1987
Regulating Utilities in an Era of Deregulation
Michael A. Crew (eds.), 1987
The Educating of Armies
Michael D. Stephens (eds.), 1989
Methods of Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory
Michael Ruzhansky, Sergey Tikhonov(eds.), 2016
Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory and Stochastic Analysis
Michael Demuth, Werner Kirsch(eds.), 2013
Handbook of Cliometrics
Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert(eds.), 2016
Between nilpotent and solvable
Weinstein, Michael; Bray, Henry G(eds.), 1982
Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications: Proceedings of the 9th ISAAC Congress, Kraków 2013
Vladimir V. Mityushev, Michael V. Ruzhansky(eds.), 2015
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics: 24th International Workshop in Operator Theory and its Applications, Bangalore, December 2013
Tirthankar Bhattacharyya, Michael A. Dritschel(eds.), 2015
Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions: In Honor of Hari M. Srivastava
Milovanović, G. V.; Rassias, Michael Th.; Srivastava, H. M(eds.), 2014
Grapes and Health
Pezzuto, John Michael(eds.), 2016
Topology and Geometric Group Theory : Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 2010--2011
Michael W. Davis, James Fowler, Jean-François Lafont, Ian J. Leary(eds.), 2016
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
Saul I. Gass, Michael C. Fu(eds.), 2013
Open Problems in Mathematics
John Forbes Nash Jr., Michael Th. Rassias(eds.), 2016
Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling, and Economics
Mario Chavez, Michael Ghil, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi(eds.), 2015
Strings and geometry : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2002 Summer School on Strings and Geometry : Isaac Newton Institute, United Kingdom, March 24 - April 20, 2002
Michael Douglas, Jerome Gauntlett, Mark Gross(eds.), 2004
Kultur und Religion. Eine interdisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme
Klaus von Stosch, Sabine Schmitz, Michael Hofmann (eds.), 2016
Mediating Modernity: Challenges and Trends in the Jewish Encounter with the Modern World
Lauren B. Strauss, Michael Brenner (eds.), 2008
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Other
Michael Patrick Cullinane, David Ryan (eds.), 2014
Talking Shakespeare: Shakespeare into the Millennium
Deborah Cartmell, Michael Scott (eds.), 2001
Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols
Michael Kaufmann, Claudia Klinger, Andreas Savelsbergh (eds.), 2017
Phage Display: Methods and Protocols
Michael Hust, Theam Soon Lim (eds.), 2018
Interventional Radiology for Medical Students
Hong Kuan Kok, Elizabeth Ryan, Hamed Asadi, Michael Lee (eds.), 2018
Policy Capacity and Governance: Assessing Governmental Competences and Capabilities in Theory and Practice
Xun Wu, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh (eds.), 2018