کتاب های Michael Chui

Celebrities and Crime
Michael Newton, John L. French, 2008
Crime and Criminals (Criminal Justice)
Michael Newton, 2010
Crime and Local Television News: Dramatic, Breaking, and Live From the Scene
Jeremy H. Lipschultz, Michael L. Hilt, 2002
Crime Fighting and Crime Prevention (Criminal Justice)
Michael Newton, 2010
Crime Zero: A Novel
Michael Cordy, 2001
Cyber Alert: How the World Is Under Attack from a New Form of Crime
Peter Warren, Michael Streeter, 2005
Gangs and Gang Crimes (Criminal Investigations)
Michael Newton, 2008
Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists
Michael Gagarin, 2002
Cases and materials on the English legal system
Michael Zander, 2007
Acts of Naming: The Family Plot in Fiction
Michael Ragussis, 1987
Acts of Naming: The Family Plot in Fiction
Michael Ragussis, 1987
All Souls: A Family Story from Southie
Michael Patrick MacDonald, 1999
Collecting World Coins, Circulating Issues 1901-Present, 12th Edition
Thomas Michael, George Cuhaj, 2008
Oriental Coins and their Values: The World of Islam.
Michael Mitchiner, 1977
Mage the Awakening - Magical Traditions
Justin Achilli, Jackie Cassada, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Howard Ingham, Matthew McFarland, Dean Shomshak, Travis Stout, Chuck Wendig, Bill Bridges, 2007
Mage the Awakening - Tome of the Mysteries
Joseph Carriker, Stephen Michael Dipesa, Howard Ingham, Robin Laws, Matthew McFarland, 2006
Chess in the Fast Lane
Bill Adams, Michael Adams, 1996
America's Songs: The Stories Behind the Songs of Broadway, Hollywood, and Tin Pan Alley
Philip Furia, Michael Lasser, 2006
American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea
JR, Ross H. Arnett, Michael C. Thomas, Paul E. Skelley, J. Howard Frank, 2002
American Culture, American Tastes: Social Change and the Twentieth Century
Michael Kammen, 2000
American Democracy Promotion: Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts
Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry, Takashi Inoguchi, 2000
American Minimal Music: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass
Wim Mertens, Michael Nyman (Preface), 1988