کتاب های Michael Cox (editor)

Burok Torn: City under Siege (D20 Generic System)
Michael Johnstone (Editor), 2002
Russian Critics on the Cinema of Glasnost (Cambridge Studies in Film)
Michael Brashinsky (editor), 2008
Sleepiness: Causes, Consequences and Treatment
Michael J. Thorpy (editor), 2011
Measurement of oxygen transfer in clean water : ASCE standard, ASCE/EWRI 2-06
Michael Stenstrom (Editor), 2007
Theorizing Documentary
Michael Renov (Editor), 1993
Synthetic Nucleic Acids as Inhibitors of Gene Expression: Mechanisms, Applications, and Therapeutic Implications
Levon Michael Khachigian (Editor), 2004
Baseball and Its Greatest Players (Inside Sports)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
Early Civilizations of the Americas (The Britannica Guide to Ancient Civilizations)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
Football and Its Greatest Players (Inside Sports)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
Investigating Earth’s Oceans (Introduction to Earth Science)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
Investigating Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes (Introduction to Earth Science)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
Investigating the History of Earth (Introduction to Earth Science)
Michael Anderson (editor), 2012
The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology (ASA Monographs 1)
Michael Banton, editor, 1968
Sertoli Cell Biology
Michael K. Skinner (Editor), 2004
Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault / Habermas Debate
Michael Kelly (Editor), 1994
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery : A Surgical Manual
H. Michael Mayer H. M.(Editor), 2005
Wilderness and Wasteland (Scarred Lands Encounters Sword & Sorcery)
Michael Johnstone (Editor), 2002
The Complete Dinosaur (Life of the Past) 2nd edition
Michael K. Brett-Surman (Editor), 2012
Heidegger and modern philosophy
Michael Murray (Editor), 1978
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Michael Morse: Duke University Medical Centre
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Michael Morse: Duke University Medical Centre
Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Development Projects (Directions in Development)
Michael Bamberger (Editor), 2000
Infectious Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
Michael E. Ellis (editor), 1998