کتاب های Michael H. Morris

Soil Science and Archaeology: Three Test Cases from Minoan Crete
Michael W. Morris, 2002
Disability, Long-term Care, and Health Care in the 21st Century
Michael Morris, 2008
Expansion of Third-World Navies
Michael A. Morris (auth.), 1987
Knowledge and Ideology: The Epistemology of Social and Political Critique
Michael Morris, 2016
Guide to the Business Process Management Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK) Version 3.0
Tony Benedict, Nancy Bilodeau,Phil Vitkus, Emmett Powell, Dan Morris, Marc Scarsig, Denis Lee, Gabrielle Field, Todd Lohr, Raju Saxena, Michael Fuller, Jose Furlan, 2013
My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9–1) Media Studies
Aaron French; Eileen Lewis; Michael Rodgers; Rebecca Morris, 2018
Factory Farming and Animal Liberation: The New Zealand Experience
Michael Morris, 2012
Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL, and SystemVerilog
M. Morris R. Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, 2017
Biology: How Life Works
James Morris, Daniel Hartl, Andrew Knoll, Robert Lue, Melissa Michael, Andrew Berry, Andrew Biewener, Brian Farrell, N. Michele Holbrook, Jean Heitz, Mark Hens, John Merrill, Randall Phillis, Debra Pires, Elena Lozovsky, 2019
Lock Down - Das Virus war nicht die Ursache
Michael Morris, 2020
Critical Suicidology: Transforming Suicide Research and Prevention for the 21st Century
Jennifer White (editor), Ian Marsh (editor), Michael J. Kral (editor), Jonathan Morris (editor), 2015
The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy: Alchemy with Words
Darin Park; Tom Dullemond; Kim Bundy; Michele Acker; Julie Peavler-McCord; Rob Durney; John Teehan; Lea Docken; Tee Morris; Michael Mcrae; Tina Morgan; Milena Benini; Marko Fančović; Lauren Cleeland; Valerie Griswold-Ford; Kim Richards, 2002
The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy: The Author's Grimoire
Valerie Griswold-Ford; Summer Brooks; Joe Murphy; Margaret McGaffey Fisk; Danielle Ackley-McPhail; L. Jagi Lamplighter; Lai Zhao; Lazette Gifford; Michael D. Pederson; Helen French; Jennifer Hagan; Tee Morris; Jana G. Oliver; C.E. Murphy, 2007
Controlling Latin American Conflicts: Ten Approaches
Michael A. Morris; Victor Millán, 2020
Warding Off Evil: Apotropaic Tradition in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Synoptic Gospels
Michael J. Morris, 2017