کتاب های Michael Hoey (eds.)

Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics: Strabismus - New Concepts in Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Amy E. Green-Simms, Brian G. Mohney (auth.), Birgit Lorenz, Michael C. Brodsky (eds.), 2010
Advances in Cryptology — ASIACRYPT 2001: 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Gold Coast, Australia, December 9–13, 2001 Proceedings
Craig Gentry, Jakob Jonsson, Jacques Stern, Michael Szydlo (auth.), Colin Boyd (eds.), 2001
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: First International Workshop, EMAS 2013, St. Paul, MN, USA, May 6-7, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Luciano Baresi, Sam Guinea, Adnan Shahzada (auth.), Massimo Cossentino, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Michael Winikoff (eds.), 2013
Financial Institutions and Markets in the Southwest Pacific: A Study of Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea
Michael T. Skully (eds.), 1985
Business Continuity: IT Risk Management for International Corporations
Heinrich Schettler, Martin J. Wieczorek, Michael Philipp (auth.), Dr. Martin J. Wieczorek, Uwe Naujoks, Bob Bartlett (eds.), 2002
Becoming an Entrepreneur
Susanne Weber, Fritz K. Oser, Frank Achtenhagen, Michael Fretschner, Sandra Trost (eds.), 2014
Adventure and Extreme Sports Injuries: Epidemiology, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Prevention
Omer Mei-Dan M.D. (auth.), Omer Mei-Dan, Michael R Carmont (eds.), 2013
Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis
Michael J. Todd (auth.), Susana Gomez, Jean-Pierre Hennart (eds.), 1994
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective
Walter F. Truszkowski (auth.), Christopher A. Rouff PhD, MS, BA, Professor Michael Hinchey PhD, MSc, BSc, CMath, CEng, CPEng, CITP, FBCS, FIEE, FIMA, FIEAust, SMIEEE, James Rash MA, BA, Walter Truszkowski MA, BA, Diana Gordon-Spears PhD (eds.), 2006
LESFOIL: Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil: Results of the Project LESFOIL Supported by the European Union 1998 – 2001
Prof. Dr. Lars Davidson, Dr. Davor Cokljat, Dr. Jochen Fröhlich (auth.), Prof. Dr. Lars Davidson, Dr. Davor Cokljat, Dr. Jochen Fröhlich, Prof. Dr. Michael A. Leschziner, Dr. Chris Mellen, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rodi (eds.), 2003
Combinatorial methods for chemical and biological sensors
Ana M. Costero, Margarita Parra (auth.), Sergey A. Piletsky, Michael J. Whitcombe (eds.), 2009
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2006 International Workshops, BPD, BPI, ENEI, GPWW, DPM, semantics4ws, Vienna, Austria, September 4-7, 2006. Proceedings
Tom Davenport, Selma Mansar, Hajo Reijers, Michael Rosemann (auth.), Johann Eder, Schahram Dustdar (eds.), 2006
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2008 International Workshops, Milano, Italy, September 1-4, 2008. Revised Papers
Hajo A. Reijers, Selma Limam Mansar, Michael Rosemann (auth.), Danilo Ardagna, Massimo Mecella, Jian Yang (eds.), 2009
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2010 International Workshops and Education Track, Hoboken, NJ, USA, September 13-15, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Sebastian Reinisch, Robert Mertens, Aliasghar Esteghlal, Frank Ruwolt, Martin Jähne (auth.), Michael zur Muehlen, Jianwen Su (eds.), 2011
Prostate Cancer: Signaling Networks, Genetics, and New Treatment Strategies
Alexander Valdman MD, PhD, Robert B. Jenkins MD, PhD (auth.), Richard G. Pestell MD, PhD, Marja T. Nevalainen MD, PhD, Michael Milken MBA (eds.), 2008
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: 15th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP 2004, and 18th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2004, Potsdam, Germany, March 4-6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Peter Baumgartner, Ulrich Furbach, Margret Gross-Hardt, Thomas Kleemann (auth.), Dietmar Seipel, Michael Hanus, Ulrich Geske, Oskar Bartenstein (eds.), 2005
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: 17th International Conference, INAP 2007, and 21st Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2007, Würzburg, Germany, October 4-6, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Ulrich Geske, Hans-Joachim Goltz (auth.), Dietmar Seipel, Michael Hanus, Armin Wolf (eds.), 2009
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: 19th International Conference, INAP 2011, and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011, Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Giovambattista Ianni, Peter Schüller (auth.), Hans Tompits, Salvador Abreu, Johannes Oetsch, Jörg Pührer, Dietmar Seipel, Masanobu Umeda, Armin Wolf (eds.), 2013
Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management. The Latest in University Research
Michael Stankosky, D.Sc. (Eds.), 2005
Gold Clusters, Colloids and Nanoparticles I
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
Gold Clusters, Colloids and Nanoparticles II
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
Macmillan Student Encyclopedia of Sociology
Michael Mann (eds.), 1983
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 29
Michael B. Paulsen (eds.), 2014
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 30
Michael B. Paulsen (eds.), 2015