کتاب های Michael Hoyt (editor)

Creative Therapy in Challenging Situations: Unusual Interventions to Help Clients
Michael Hoyt (editor), Monte Bobele (editor), 2019
The New Cambridge History of Islam 6 Volume Set
Michael Cook (editor), Chase F. Robinson (editor), Maribel Fierro (editor), David O. Morgan (editor), Anthony Reid (editor), Robert Irwin (editor), Francis Robinson (editor), Robert Hefner (editor), 2010
Relationship Between the Legislature and the Judiciary: Contributions to the 6th Seoul-Freiburg Law Faculties Symposium
Jan von Hein (editor), Hanno Merkt (editor), Sonja Meier (editor), Alexander Bruns (editor), Yuanshi Bu (editor), Silja Vöneky (editor), Michael Pawlik (editor), Eiji Takahashi (editor), 2017
VVG. Band 4 §§ 100-124 VVG: AVB D&O 2020
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Christian Armbrüster (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); et al. (editor), 2021
VVG: Band 2 §§ 19-73 VVG
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Oliver Brand (editor); Christoph Brömmelmeyer (editor); et al. (editor), 2022
Boorman's Pathology of the Rat: Reference and Atlas
Gary A. Boorman (editor), Andrew W. Suttie (editor), Scot L. Eustis (editor), Michael R. Elwell (editor), William F. MacKenzie (editor), Joel R. Leininger DVM PhDDiplomate ACVP (editor), Alys Bradley (editor), 2017
Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine
V. Courtney Broaddus (Editor), Joel D Ernst (Editor), Jr Talmadge E King (Editor), Stephen C. Lazarus (Editor), Kathleen F. Sarmiento (Editor), Lynn M. Schnapp (Editor), Renee D Stapleton (Editor), Michael B. Gotway, 2022
Te kōparapara an introduction to the Māori world
Michael Reilly (editor); Lachy Paterson (editor); Poia Rewi (editor); Matiu Tai Ratima (editor); Lyn Carter (editor); Gianna Leoni (editor); Suzanne Duncan (editor), 2018
The Zebrafish in Biomedical Research: Biology, Husbandry, Diseases, and Research Applications (American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine)
Samuel Cartner (editor), Judith S. Eisen (editor), Susan F. Farmer (editor), Karen J. Guillemin (editor), Michael L. Kent (editor), George E. Sanders (editor), 2019
Abeloff's clinical oncology
Martin D. Abeloff (editor); James O. Armitage (editor); James H Doroshow (editor); John E Niederhuber (editor); Joel E Tepper (editor); Michael B Kastan (editor), 2020
Image and Graphics: 11th International Conference, ICIG 2021, Haikou, China, August 6–8, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12888)
Yuxin Peng (editor), Shi-Min Hu (editor), Moncef Gabbouj (editor), Kun Zhou (editor), Michael Elad (editor), Kun Xu (editor), 2021
Gumbo for the Soul III: Males of Color Share Their Stories, Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations
Brian L. Wright Ph.D. (editor), Nathaniel Bryan (editor), Christopher Sewell Ed.D. (editor), Lucian Yates III (editor), Michael Robinson Ed.D. (editor), Kianga Thomas Ed.D. (editor), 2019
The Routledge Handbook on Ecosocialism
Leigh Brownhill (editor), Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (editor), Terran Giacomini (editor), Ana Isla (editor), Michael Löwy (editor), Terisa Turner (editor), 2021
Suicide in Canada
Antoon Leenaars (editor), Isaac Sakinofsky (editor), Susanne Wenckstern (editor), Ron Dyck (editor), Michael Kral (editor), Roger Bland (editor), 1998
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claire Dietz (editor); Michael Kauert (editor); Sebastian Schunke (editor); Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Kirsten-Inger Wöhrn (editor), 2013
Katechismus-Andachten (1656): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Andreas Hammerschmidt (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
Katechismus-Andachten (1656): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Andreas Hammerschmidt (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap, Volume 1: Early Writings
Rudolf Carnap, A. W. Carus (Editor), Michael Friedman (Editor), Wolfgang Kienzler (Editor), Alan Richardson (Editor), Sven Schlotter (Editor), 2019
The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars
Robert M. Haberle (editor), R. Todd Clancy (editor), François Forget (editor), Michael D. Smith (editor), Richard W. Zurek (editor), 2017
Medical management of wildlife species : a guide for veterinary practitioners
Erica A. Miller (editor); Michael J. Yabsley (editor); Sonia M. Hernandez (editor); Heather W. Barron (editor); Roberto F. Aguilar (editor), 2020
Cardiac mapping.
John Michael Miller (editor); Gerhard Hindricks (editor); Mohammad Shenasa (editor); Mark E. Josephson (editor); David J. Callans (editor), 2019
Philosophy of Religion: Reader and Guide: A Reader and Guide
William Lane Craig (editor),Kevin Meeker (editor), J. P. Moreland (editor), Michael Murray (editor), Timothy O’Connor (editor), 2002