کتاب های Michael J. Ryan (editor)

The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Brain
Michael H. Thaut (editor), Donald A. Hodges (editor), 2019
Leader Thinking Skills: Capacities for Contemporary Leadership
Michael D. Mumford (editor), Cory A. Higgs (editor), 2019
Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times
Norman K. Denzin (editor), Michael D. Giardina (editor), 2017
Qualitative Inquiry Through a Critical Lens
Norman K. Denzin (editor), Michael D. Giardina (editor), 2016
Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Group Work that Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement
Michael Sweet (editor), Larry K. Michaelsen (editor), 2012
The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1 (Global Studies in Education)
Michael A. Peters (editor), Ronald Barnett (editor), 2018
Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma
Annegret Fauser (editor), Michael A. Figueroa (editor), 2020
Critical Policy Discourse Analysis
Michael Farrelly (editor), Jane Mulderrig (editor), 2019
Michael H. Gold (editor), Jody Comstock (editor), 2021
The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology
Michael Allen (editor), Scott R. Swain (editor), 2020
Peripheral Visions of Economic Development: New Frontiers in Development Economics and the History of Economic Thought
Mario Garcia-Molina (editor), Hans-Michael Trautwein (editor), 2015
Black Cowboys in the American West: On the Range, on the Stage, behind the Badge
Bruce A. Glasrud (editor), Michael N. Searles (editor), 2016
Facing Fear: The History of an Emotion in Global Perspective
Michael Laffan (editor), Max Weiss (editor), 2012
Teaching Secondary Biology
Michael J. Reiss (editor), Mark Winterbottom (editor), 2021
Marine Mammal Physiology: Requisites for Ocean Living
Michael Angelo Castellini (editor), Jo-Ann Mellish (editor), 2016
Fontane and Cultural Mediation: Translation and Reception in Nineteenth-Century German Literature: 8 (Germanic Literatures)
Robertson Ritchie (editor), White Michael (editor), 2015
Contemporary Left-Wing Activism Vol 2: Democracy, Participation and Dissent in a Global Context
Joseph Ibrahim (editor), John Michael Roberts (editor), 2018
Contemporary Left-Wing Activism Vol 1: Democracy, Participation and Dissent in a Global Context
John Michael Roberts (editor), Joseph Ibrahim (editor), 2018
Classicising Crisis: The Modern Age of Revolutions and the Greco-Roman Repertoire
Barbara Goff (editor), Michael Simpson (editor), 2020
Albert Schweitzer in thought and action: a life in parts
Michael J. Thate (editor); James Carleton Paget (editor), 2016
Advances in PET : the latest in instrumentation, technology, and clinical practice
Jun Zhang (editor); Michael V. Knopp (editor), 2020
Operative techniques in vascular surgery
Ronald L. Dalman (editor); Michael W. Mulholland (editor), 2015
Rob & Smith's operative cardiac surgery
Thomas L. Spray (editor); Michael Andrew Acker (editor), 2019
The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1883-1884: Volume 1
Henry James, Michael Anesko (editor), Greg W. Zacharias (editor), 2018