کتاب های Michael Mcfarland

Mage the Awakening - Magical Traditions
Justin Achilli, Jackie Cassada, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Howard Ingham, Matthew McFarland, Dean Shomshak, Travis Stout, Chuck Wendig, Bill Bridges, 2007
Mage the Awakening - Tome of the Mysteries
Joseph Carriker, Stephen Michael Dipesa, Howard Ingham, Robin Laws, Matthew McFarland, 2006
Intruders: Encounters With the Abyss (Mage: the Awakening)
Bill Bridges, Jackie Cassada, Rick Chillot, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Alexander Freed, Matthew McFarland, John Snead, Chuck Wendig, 2007
Biosolids Engineering
Michael McFarland, 2000
The Core Concepts of Physiology: A New Paradigm for Teaching Physiology
Joel Michael, William Cliff, Jenny McFarland, Harold Modell, Ann Wright (auth.), 2017