کتاب های Michael Penman

Definitions and Methodological Options to Inventory Emissions from Direct Human-induced Degradation of Forests and Devegatation of Other Vegetation Types
Jim Penman, Michael Gytarsky, Taka Hiraishi, Thelma Krug, Dina Kruger, Riitta Pipatti, Leandro Buendia, Kyoko Miwa, Todd Ngara, Kiyoto Tanabe
Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry
Jim Penman, Michael Gytarsky, Taka Hiraishi, Thelma Krug, Dina Kruger, Riitta Pipatti, Leandro Buendia, Kyoko Miwa, Todd Ngara, Kiyoto Tanabe
Making and breaking the rules: succession in medieval Europe, c. 1000-c.1600. Établir et abolir les normes: la succession dans l’Europe médiévale, vers 1000-vers 1600: Proceedings of the colloquium held on 6-7-8 April 2006. Actes de la conférence tenue les 6, 7 et 8 avril 2006, Institute of Historical Research (University of London)
Frédérique Lachaud, Michael Penman, 2007
Robert the Bruce: King of the Scots
Michael Penman, 2018