کتاب های Michael S. Katz Ph.d.

Biomaterials Engineering and Devices: Human Applications : Volume 2. Orthopedic, Dental, and Bone Graft Applications
John P. Ley, A. Norman Cranin, Michael Katzap (auth.), Donald L. Wise PhD, Debra J. Trantolo PhD, Kai-Uwe Lewandrowski MD, Joseph D. Gresser PhD, Mario V. Cattaneo PhD, Michael J. Yaszemski MD, PhD (eds.), 2000
Human Biomaterials Applications
Luigi Ambrosio, Gianfranco Peluso, Patricia A. Davis (auth.), Donald L. Wise PhD, Debra J. Trantolo PhD, David E. Altobelli DMD, MD, Michael J. Yaszemski MD, PhD, Joseph D. Gresser PhD (eds.), 1996
The Sensory Circumventricular Organs of the Mammalian Brain: Subfornical Organ, OVLT and Area Postrema
Dr Michael J. McKinley PhD, DSc, Robin M. McAllen BSc (Hons) PhD, MBChB, Pamela Davern BSc, Lipt B, Michelle E. Giles BAppSc, Jenny Penschow BAppSc, PhD, Nana Sunn BSc (Hons), Aaron Uschakov BSc (Hons), Brian J. Oldfield BSc (Hons), PhD (auth.), 2003
Prostate Cancer: Signaling Networks, Genetics, and New Treatment Strategies
Alexander Valdman MD, PhD, Robert B. Jenkins MD, PhD (auth.), Richard G. Pestell MD, PhD, Marja T. Nevalainen MD, PhD, Michael Milken MBA (eds.), 2008
iOS Test-Driven Development by Tutorials
By Joshua Greene; By Michael Katz; By Joshua Greene & Michael Katz, 2022
Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
Allan Gaw MDPhDMRCPathMFPMMICR, Michael J. Murphy FRCPEdinFRCPath, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MScMDFRCPath, Michael J. Stewart PhDFRCPath, James Shepherd MD, 2008
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia: A Session-by-Session Guide
Michael L. Perlis PhD, Michael T. Smith PhD, Carla Benson-Jungquist MSN, FNP-C, Donn A. Posner PhD (auth.), 2005
Echocardiography in Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Wei Li MD, PhD, FESC, FACC, Michael Henein MSc, PhD, FESC, FACC, FAHA, Michael A. Gatzoulis MD, PhD, FESC, FACC (auth.), 2007
Aerobiology: The Toxicology of Airborne Pathogens and Toxins
Harry Salem, Harry Salem, Sidney A Katz, Diana Anderson, Tim Marrs, Terry J Henderson, Sofi Ibrahim, Arik Eisenkraft, Michael Adler, Joshua Santarpia, Sanjiv Shah, Sidney Katz, Joseph L Corriveau, Jana Kesavan, Gene E McClellan, Rudolph J Jaeger, Thomas Ingersoll, 2016
Aerobiology the toxicology of airbourne xenobiotics
Harry Salem, Harry Salem, Sidney A Katz, Diana Anderson, Tim Marrs, Terry J Henderson, Sofi Ibrahim, Arik Eisenkraft, Michael Adler, Joshua Santarpia, Sanjiv Shah, Sidney Katz, Joseph L Corriveau, Jana Kesavan, Gene E McClellan, Rudolph J Jaeger, Thomas Ingersoll, 2016
Alcohol and Tobacco: Medical and Sociological Aspects of Use, Abuse and Addiction
Otto Michael Lesch MD, Henriette Walter MD, Christian Wetschka PhD, Michie N. Hesselbrock PhD, Victor Hesselbrock PhD (auth.), 2011
Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain
Mark F. Bear PhD, Barry W. Connors PhD, Michael A. Paradiso PhD, 2015
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII: Proceedings of AI-2006, the Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Arjen Hommersom, Perry Groot, Peter Lucas, Michael Balser, Jonathan Schmitt (auth.), Professor Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, Dr Frans Coenen PhD, Dr Andrew Tuson MA, MSc, PhD, MBCS (eds.), 2007
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV: Proceedings of AI-2008, the Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Michael G. Madden (auth.), Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, CITP, FBCS, FIET, FRSA, FHEA, Miltos Petridis DipEng, MBA, PhD, MBCS, AMBA, Frans Coenen BSc, PhD (eds.), 2009
PET: Physics, Instrumentation, and Scanners
Simon R. Cherry PhD, Magnus Dahlbom PhD (auth.), Michael E. Phelps PhD (eds.), 2006
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective
Walter F. Truszkowski (auth.), Christopher A. Rouff PhD, MS, BA, Professor Michael Hinchey PhD, MSc, BSc, CMath, CEng, CPEng, CITP, FBCS, FIEE, FIMA, FIEAust, SMIEEE, James Rash MA, BA, Walter Truszkowski MA, BA, Diana Gordon-Spears PhD (eds.), 2006
Psychosocial Aspects of Disability: Insider Perspectives and Strategies for Counselors, Second Edition
Irmo Marini, PhD, CRC, CLCP / Noreen M. Graf, PhD, CRC / Michael J. Millington, PhD
Super Fitness Beyond Vitamins (The Bible of Super Supplements) - Super Supplement Bible : how to use the new nutrients - plus vitamins and minerals - to achieve a lifetime of health and peak performance - Orthomolecular Medicine
Michael E Rosenbaum MD, Dominick Bosco, Linus Pauling PhD, Abram Hoffer MD PhD, Andrew Saul PhD, 2022
Physics in Nuclear Medicine
Simon R. Cherry PhD, James A. Sorenson PhD, Michael E. Phelps PhD, 2012
Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 1e
Michael Heinrich Dr rer nat habil MA(WSU) Dipl. Biol. FLS, Joanne Barnes BPharm PhD MRPharmS FLS, Simon Gibbons BSc MRSC CChem PhD FLS, Elizabeth M. Williamson BSc(Pharm) PhD MRPharmS FLS, 2004
Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children, 2e
Michael E. Groher PhD, Michael A. Crary PhD F-ASHA, 2016
PID Control: New Identification and Design Methods
J. Crowe, K.K. Tan, T.H. Lee, R. Ferdous, M.R. Katebi, H.-P. Huang, J.-C. Jeng, K.S. Tang, G.R. Chen, K.F. Man, S. Kwong, A. Sánchez, Q.-G. Wang, Yong Zhang, Yu Zhang, P. Martin, M.J. Grimble, D.R. Greenwood (auth.), Michael A. Johnson PhD, Mohammad H. Moradi PhD (eds.), 2005
Casting: An Analytical Approach
Alexandre Reikher PhD, Michael R. Barkhudarov PhD (auth.), 2007
Advances in Swine in Biomedical Research: Volume 2
Michael P. Murtaugh PhD, Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere PhD, Linda Panepinto BS (auth.), Mike E. Tumbleson, Lawrence B. Schook (eds.), 1996