کتاب های Michel Kai

Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows
Michel O. Deville, 2012
Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows
Michel O. Deville, 2012
Numerical Modeling in Materials Science and Engineering
Michel Rappaz, 2003
Numerical Modeling in Materials Science and Engineering
Michel Rappaz, 2003
Turbulence and Interactions: Proceedings of the TI 2012 conference
Michel O. Deville, 2014
Elogio da razão sensível
Michel Maffesoli, 1998
História das ideias sociológicas, Volume 2: De Parsons aos Contemporâneos
Michel Lallement, 2008
Michel Leiris, Jacques Baron, 2013
Abstract Painting. 50 Years of Accomplishment From Kandinsky to Jackson Pollock
Michel Seuphor, 1964
Anneaux Locaux Henseliens
Michel Raynaud, 1970
Critères de platitude et de projectivité
Michel Raynaud, 1971
Faisceaux amples sur les schemas en groupes et les espaces homogenes
Michel Raynaud, 1970
Faisceaux amples sur les schemas en groupes et les espaces homogenes
Michel Raynaud, 1970
Die Zelle: Lehrbuch für Biologen und Mediziner
Michel Durand
Bricolaj: Ghid complet Amenajari, Reparatii, Decoratiuni
Michel Galy (ed.)
European Security. Nuclear or Conventional Defence?
Michel de Perrot (Eds.), 1984
Foucault's philosophy of art : a genealogy of modernity
Foucault, Michel, 2009
A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience
Michel Aglietta, 2015
Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism
Michel Paradis (auth.), 2007
Highlights in Asthmology
F. B. Michel (auth.), 1987