کتاب های Michel Le Gall (editor)

Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th-20th Centuries) (RURAL HISTORY IN EUROPE)
G. Beaur (editor), Phillipp R. Schofield (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), G. Beaur (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), Maria-Teresa Perez-Picazo (editor), Phillip Schofield (editor), 2013
The Maghrib in Question: Essays in History and Historiography
Michel Le Gall (editor), Kenneth Perkins (editor), 2010
The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979 (Lectures at the Collège de France)
Michel Foucault, Michel Senellart (editor), Arnold I. Davidson (editor), Alessandro Fontana (editor), Francois Ewald (editor), 2008
Dictionnaire de pédiatrie Weber
Marie Gauthier (editor); Jean Turgeon (editor); Philippe Ovetchkine (editor); Michel Weber (editor); Anne-Claude Bernard-Bonnin (editor); Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber (editor), 2015
Language, Madness, and Desire: On Literature
Michel Foucault, Philippe Artières (editor), Jean-François Bert (editor), Mathieu Potte-Bonneville (editor), Judith Revel (editor), 2015
Tecnologie del sé. Un seminario con Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin (editor), Huck Gutman (editor), Patrick H. Hutton (editor), Saverio Marchignoli (editor), 1992
Risk-Based Structural Evaluation Methods: Best Practices and Development of Standards
Ming Liu (editor) & Bruce R. Ellingwood (editor) Michel Ghosn (editor), Graziano Fiorillo (editor), 2019
International Perspectives on Pragmatism
Michel Weber (editor), J.K. Swindler (editor), Oana-Maria Pastae (editor), Cerasel Cuteanu (editor), 2009
Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature
Michel Chaouli (editor), Jan Lietz (editor), Jutta Müller-Tamm (editor), Simon Schleusener (editor), 2021
Anthologie de la littérature québécoise
Marc Savoie (editor); Michel Forest (editor); Claude Vaillancourt (editor), 2018
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics: Dedicated to Philippe Bénilan
Wolfgang Arendt (editor), Haim Brezis (editor), Michel Pierre (editor), 2005
Textiles and Gender in Antiquity: From the Orient to the Mediterranean
Mary Harlow (editor), Cecile Michel (editor), Louise Quillien (editor), 2020
Network Design with Applications to Transportation and Logistics
Teodor Gabriel Crainic (editor), Michel Gendreau (editor), Bernard Gendron (editor), 2021
Network Design with Applications to Transportation and Logistics
Teodor Gabriel Crainic (editor), Michel Gendreau (editor), Bernard Gendron (editor), 2021
(In)coherence of Discourse: Formal and Conceptual Issues of Language
Maxime Amblard (editor), Michel Musiol (editor), Manuel Rebuschi (editor), 2021
European Energy Studies Volume II: EU Energy Innovation Policy Towards 2050 (European Energy Studies series, 2)
Jean-Michel Glachant (editor), Nicole Ahner (editor), Leonardo Meuss (editor), 2013
Biologie tout-en-un BCPST 1re année - 4e éd.
Bernard Augère, Thierry Darribère, Jean-Michel Dupin, Caroline Escuyer, Jean-François Fogelgesang, Cécile Van der Rest, Pierre Peycru (editor), Didier Grandperrin (editor), Christiane Perrier (editor)
The Attraction of Gravitation: New Studies in the History of General Relativity
John Earman (editor), Michel Janssen (editor), John D. Norton (editor), 1993
ACA Using Technology to Enhance Clinical Supervision
Tony Rousmaniere, PsyD (Editor), Edina Renfro-Michel, PhD (Editor), 2016
Christian Apocrypha: Receptions of the New Testament in Ancient Christian Apocrypha
Jean-Michel Roessli (editor) ; Tobias Nicklas (editor), 2014
Bisogna difendere la società
Michel Foucault, M. Bertani (editor), A. Fontana (editor), 2009
Folie, langage, littérature
Michel Foucault, Henri-Paul Fruchaud (editor), Daniele Lorenzini (editor), 2019
Electricity Network Regulation in the EU: The Challenges Ahead for Transmission and Distribution
Leonardo Meeus (editor), Jean-Michel Glachant (editor), 2018
The Art of Measuring in the Thermal Sciences
Josua Meyer (editor), Michel De Paepe (editor), 2020