کتاب های Michele Martin

Linear Algebra: Concepts and Methods
Martin Anthony, Michele Harvey, 2012
Le temps : mesurable, réversible, insaisissable ?
Martin Fink, Michel Le Bellac, Michèle Leduc, 2016
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin, John M. Neale, Gerald C. Davison, 2011
Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence
Sarah Deer, Bonnie Clairmont, Carrie A. Martell, Maureen L. White Eagle, J Agtuca, Judi Armbruster, Diane E. Benson, Mary Black Bonnet, Sally Brunk, Lea Carr, Rose L. Clark, Amanda D. Faircloth, Lisa Frank, Joy Harjo, Brenda Hill, Eileen Hudon, Carrie L. Johnson, B.J Jones, Karlene , Kochuten , Charlene A. LaPointe, Jayci Malone, Sarah Michèle Martin, Tracy Meyer, Frances Monroe, MariJo Moore, Eleanor Ned-Sunnyboy, Nila NorthSun, Stormy Ogden, Juanita Pahdopony, Kim Querdibitty, Sharon Lynn Reyn, 2007
Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (Expert Consult - Online and Print) (2-Volume Set)
Richard J. Martin MB FRACP, Avroy A. Fanaroff MB FRCP(Edinburgh) FRCP CH, Michele C. Walsh MD MS, 2010
Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant, 8th Edition
Richard Martin, Avroy Fanaroff, Michele Walsh, 2005
Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant, 9th Edition volume Vol 1-2
Richard J. Martin MB FRACP, Avroy A. Fanaroff MB FRCP(Edinburgh) FRCP CH, Michele C. Walsh MD MS, 2010
Images at War: Illustrated Periodicals and Constructed Nations
Michèle Martin, 2006
Discourse and Diversionary Justice: An Analysis of Youth Justice Conferencing
Michele Zappavigna, JR Martin, 2018
Fanaroff and Martin’s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 2-Volume Set Diseases of the Fetus and Infant
Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, Michele C. Walsh, 2014
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin, 2019
Fanaroff and Martin’s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Diseases of the Fetus and Infant
Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, Michele C. Walsh, 2020
Handbook of Children's Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Martin D. Ruck (editor), Michele Peterson-Badali (editor), Michael Freeman (editor), 2017
Políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (CTI) para el desarrollo. La experiencia latinoamericana
Gustavo Crespi, Gabriela Dutrénit, Juan Corona, Martín Puchet, Fernando Santiago, José Benavente, Juan Price, Gustavo Lugones, Fernando Porta, Darío Codner, Helena Lastres, Cristiane D’Avila Garcez, Cristina Lemos, Eduardo Kaplan Barbosa, Walsey de Assis Magalhães, Juana Kuramoto, Carlos Bianchi, Michele Snoeck, Mariela Bianco, Roberto López Martínez, René Hernández, Ricardo Monge-González, Ezequiel Tacsir, Alessandro Maffioli, Isabel Bortagaray, Natalia Gras, 2013
Cultura constitucional y derecho viviente. Escritos en honor al profesor Roberto Romboli
Gorki Gonzales (ed.), Elena Attard, Silvia Bagni, Michele Carducci, Paolo Caretti, Paolo Carnevale, Pasquale Costanzo, Emanuele Corn, Domingo García, Luis López Guerra,Augusto Martín de la Vega, Lucio Pegoraro, Juan Sosa, Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, Luis Aguiar, Ernesto Blume, Giuseppe Campanelli, Francesco Dal Canto, Eduardo Ferrer, Itziar Gómez Fernández, Gorki Gonzales, Massimo Luciani, Haideer Miranda, Giorgia Pavani, Andrea Pertici, Sabrina Ragone, Carmela Salazar (auts.), 2021