کتاب های Mih (auth.)

Non-Projecting Words: A Case Study of Swedish Particles
Ida Toivonen (auth.), 2003
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: The Danish-Swedish Analysis Seminar, 1995
Shmuel Agmon (auth.), Lars Hörmander, Anders Melin (eds.), 1996
Ecology of Arable Land — Perspectives and Challenges: Proceeding of an International Symposium, 9–12 June 1987 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
B. W. R. Torssell (auth.), M. Clarholm, L. Bergström (eds.), 1989
EMU — A Swedish Perspective
Lars Calmfors, Harry Flam, Nils Gottfries, Janne Haaland Matlary, Magnus Jerneck, Rutger Lindahl, Christina Nordh Berntsson, Ewa Rabinowicz, Anders Vredin (auth.), 1997
Function Spaces and Applications: Proceedings of the US-Swedish Seminar held in Lund, Sweden, June 15–21, 1986
Jaak Peetre (auth.), Michael Cwikel, Jaak Peetre, Yoram Sagher, Hans Wallin (eds.), 1988
Gender, Military Effectiveness, and Organizational Change: The Swedish Model
Robert Egnell, Petter Hojem, Hannes Berts (auth.), 2014
Girls at Risk: Swedish Longitudinal Research on Adjustment
Anna-Karin Andershed (auth.), Anna-Karin Andershed (eds.), 2013
Images and Strategies for Autonomy: Explaining Swedish Security Policy Strategies in the 19th Century
Ole Elgström (auth.), 2000
A Reappraisal of the Ascending Systems in Man, with Emphasis on the Medial Lemniscus
Prof. Dr. Enrico Marani, Dr. Jaap H.R. Schoen (auth.), 2005
Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
D. D. Alexakis, D. G. Hadjimitsis, S. Michaelides, I. Tsanis, A. Retalis, C. Demetriou (auth.), Costas G. Helmis, Panagiotis T. Nastos (eds.), 2013
Air Pollution Meteorology
R.R. Scorer (Auth.), 2002
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology
Roland B. Stull (auth.), Roland B. Stull (eds.), 1988
Boundary Layer Studies and Applications: A Special Issue of Boundary-Layer Meteorology in honor of Dr. Hans A. Panofsky (1917–1988)
John C. Wyngaard (auth.), R. E. Munn (eds.), 1989
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 25th Anniversary Volume, 1970–1995: Invited Reviews and Selected Contributions to Recognise Ted Munn’s Contribution as Editor over the Past 25 Years
Peter Taylor, Morley Thomas, E. D. Truhlar (auth.), J. R. Garratt, P. A. Taylor (eds.), 1996
Coastal Meteorology
Shih-Ang Hsu (Auth.), 1988
Descriptive Meteorology
Hurd C. Willett and Frederick Sanders (Auth.), 1959
Dynamic Meteorology: Data Assimilation Methods
Pierre Morel (auth.), Lennart Bengtsson, Michael Ghil, Erland Källén (eds.), 1981
Dynamic Meteorology: Lectures Delivered at the Summer School of Space Physics of the Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales, Held at Lannion, France, 7 August–12 September 1970
N. A. Phillips (auth.), P. Morel (eds.), 1973
Environmental Meteorology: Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Würzburg, F.R.G., 29 September – 1 October 1987
K. Höschele (auth.), K. Grefen, J. Löbel (eds.), 1988
Wittgenstein’s Copernican Revolution: The Question of Linguistic Idealism
İlham Dilman (auth.), 2002
First Principles of Meteorology and Air Pollution
Mihalis Lazaridis (auth.), 2011