کتاب های Mihail

Eseul filosofic
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2004
Freedom, Minds and Institutions
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2003
Freedom, Minds and Institutions
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2003
Introducere in filosofia mintii
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2000
Introducere in filosofia mintii (ebook)
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2000
Introducere in filosofia mintii (oficial)
Mihail Radu Solcan, 2000
Topological Rings Satisfying Compactness Conditions
Mihail Ursul (auth.), 2002
Săritorii în gol
Mihail Grămescu, 1994
Conceptul de mecanism economic si diversele sisteme economice
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1985
Conceptul de mecanism economic si diversele sisteme economice
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1985
Dezbateri pe marginea problemei corp-minte
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1984
Dezbateri pe marginea problemei corp-minte
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1984
Beating the Open Games
Mihail Marin, 2008
Grandmaster Repertoire 3 - The English Opening vol. 1
Mihail Marin, 2009
Grandmaster Repertoire 4: The English Opening Vol. 2
Mihail Marin, 2010
Grandmaster Repertoire 5: The English Opening 1.c4 c5 - Volume Three
Mihail Marin, 2010
Learn from the Legends: Chess Champions at Their Best
Mihail Marin, 2006
Reggio Emilia 2007 2008
Mihail Marin, 2009
Secrets of Attacking Chess
Mihail Marin, 2005
Secrets of Chess Defence
Mihail Marin, 2003
Secrets of Chess Defence
Mihail Marin, 2003
Arta raului cel mai mic
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1998
Arta raului cel mai mic
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1998
Problema rationalitatii in gandirea filosofica si stiintifica
Mihail Radu Solcan, 1985