کتاب های Mike Collins

AS Level Law
Mary Collins, 2000
Andy Collins, Skip Williams, James Wyatt, 2003
Dungeons & Dragons - Manuale dei Livelli Epici
Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, 2003
Dungeons & Dragons - Manuale del giocatore - Eroi arcani, divini e marziali
Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt, F. Delle Rupi, 2008
Guida del Dungeon Master
Peter Adkison, Richard Baker, Andy Collins, Monte Cook, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, 2003
Manuale dei livelli epici
Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, 2003
An Attacking Repertoire for White
Sam Collins, 2005
American Star
Jackie Collins, 1998
The Clause in English: In Honour of Rodney Huddleston
Prof. Peter Collins, David Lee (Eds.), 1999
A Reading Course in Homeric Greek, Book 2
Raymond V. Schoder, Vincent C. Horrigan, Leslie Collins Edwards, 2008
Draconomicon (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Andy Collins, James Wyatt, Skip Williams, 2003
Dungeons & Dragons - Arcani Rivelati
Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
Daniel: With an Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature (Forms of the Old Testament Literature)
John Joseph Collins, 1984
Employer's Liability and Industrial Diseases (Hawksmere Report)
Fred Collins, 1999
Atlas of Neurologic Diagnosis and Treatment
R. Douglas Collins, 2004
Therapeutic Interventions for Forensic Mental Health Nurses (Forensic Focus, 19)
Mick Collins, Phil Woods, Alyson Kettles, 2001
Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity
Gerald O'Collins, Mario Farrugia, 2004
Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity
Gerald O'Collins, Mario Farrugia, 2004
Vestibular System Part 2: Psychophysics, Applied Aspects and General Interpretations
A. J. Benson, N. Bischof, W. E. Collins, A. R. Fregly, A. Graybiel, F. E. Guedry, W. H. Johnson, L. B. W. Jongkees, H. H. Kornhuber, R. Mayne, D. L. Meyer, E. Peitersen, W. Precht, K. P. Schaefer (auth.), H. H. Kornhuber (eds.), 1974
Introdução a Métodos Cromatográficos
Carol H. Collins, Gilberto L. Braga, Pierina S. Bonato, 1997
Beginning WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 4.0 (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Mark Collins, 2009
Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond (Varieties of English Around the World General Series)
Pam Peters, Peter Collins, Adam Smith, 2009
Apache Nightmare: The Battle at Cibecue Creek
Charles Collins, 1999