کتاب های Mike Paterson (eds.)

Molecular Dissection of Complex Traits
Andrew H. Paterson, 1997
Molecular Dissection of Complex Traits
Andrew H. Paterson, 1997
La didactique à l'oeuvre : Perspectives théoriques et pratiques
Janet M. Paterson, 1995
U-boat War Patrol: The Hidden Photographic Diary of U-564
Lawrence Paterson, 2006
Philosophy and the Belief in a Life after Death
R. W. K. Paterson, 1995
Philosophy and the Belief in a Life After Death
R. K. W. Paterson (auth.), 1995
Landing Light
Don Paterson, 2004
Lawyers and the Public Good: Democracy in Action? (The Hamlyn Lectures)
Alan Paterson, 2011
Learning Mambo
Douglas Paterson, 2006
Manual of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Sue Paterson MAVetMBDVD, 2008
Meeting the Communist Threat: Truman to Reagan
Thomas G. Paterson, 1989
Musculoskeletal medicine in clinical practice
John K. Paterson, 2006
Musculoskeletal Medicine in Clinical Practice
John K. Paterson, 2005
Musculoskeletal Medicine in Clinical Practice
John K. Paterson MBBS, 2006
New Bible Atlas
J. H. Paterson, 1985
Experimental Rock Deformation — The Brittle Field
Dr. Mervyn S. Paterson (auth.), 1978
Weapons of Desperation: German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of the Second World War
Lawrence Paterson, 2006
Voices of the code breakers: personal accounts of the secret heroes of World War II
Michael Paterson, 2008
U-Boat War Patrol - The Hidden Photographic Diary of U-564
Lawrence Paterson, 2004
The Senses of Touch: Haptics, Affects and Technologies
Mark Paterson, 2007
The Senses of Touch: Haptics, Affects and Technologies
Mark Paterson, 2007